Climate change Flashcards
What does the quaternary period include?
The whole of human history.
What is the time span of the quaternary period?
2.6 million years ago to present day.
How long do cold glacial periods last?
100,000 years.
How long do warmer glacial periods last?
10,000 years.
How many quaternary period have their been?
Around 20.
When did the last glacial period end?
15,000 years ago.
Name 2 ways you can get evidence for climate change from natural sources?
1 - Tree rings
2- Temperature records
How can you tell climate change from Tree Rings?
The tree grows a new ring in the trunk each year. The rings are thicker in warm, wet conditions. Scientists take the cores and count rings to find age of the tree and to see the thickness of each ring to show what the climate was like.
How long has tree rings been a reliable climate change detector for?
10,000 years.
How can you tell climate change from Temperature Records?
Since 1850s global temperatures have been measured accurate by using a thermometer. This gives a reliable but short-term result, but Historical Records can extend the records of climate change further back.
Name 2 Natural Factors that can help cause climate change?
1- Orbital Changes
2- Volcanic Activity
How does Orbital Changes affect climate change?
By the earths orbit of the sun being a almost perfect circle to an eclipse and back again every 96,000 years. These affect the amount of solar radiation, if more energy the earth gets warmer.
What may Orbital Changes may have caused?
The glacial and interglacial cycles of the Quaternary period.
How does Volcanic Activity affect climate change?
By ejecting large quantity’s of material into the atmosphere, these particles reflect the suns rays back out to space so the earth cools. They also release CO2 , this may cause short-term changes in the climate.
Name 2 Human Activities that can help cause climate change?
1- Burning Fossil Fuels
2- Cement Production
How does Burning Fossil Fuels affect climate change?
When CO2 is released into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels.
How does Cement Production affect climate change?
Cement is made from limestone, which contains carbon. When cement is produced lots of CO2 is released into the atmosphere.
By what *c are the temperatures suppose dot have raised by 2100?
0.3 - 4.8*c
What happens to Glaciers because of global warming?
Glaciers are shrinking, and the melting of ice on land especially the Antarctic ice sheets are stored n land as ice returns back to the ocean causing sea level rise.
What happens to Precipitation because of global warming?
Precipitation patterns are changing, affecting how much rain an area gets.
What happens to different Species because of global warming?
Species are declining or are becoming extinct due to warming e.g. coral reefs are suffering from bleaching due to increasing sea temperatures.
How is migration affected by global warming?
By low-lying areas being flooded or lost at sea, or being impossible to inhabit this then leads to migration.
How is lower crop yields affected by global warming?
This can cause malnutrition, ill health and death from starvation (partially in lower latitudes)
Has deaths due to heat started to increase or decrease?
Increase, deaths from cold has decreased
Name 2 ways of managing climate change……
1 - Planting Trees
2 - Carbon Capture
How does Planting Trees manage climate change?
By planting the trees increases the amount of carbon dioxide that is absorbed from the atmosphere.
How does the carbon dioxide get absorbed into the trees?
How does Carbon Capture manage climate change?
It reduce emissions from fossil fuel burning power stations. CCS(Carbon Capture and Storage) involves capturing CO2 and transporting it to places where it can be stored safely.
Where is a good place that CO2 can be stored safely?
How do people adapt to changes caused by Climate Change by managing their water supplies?
- Managing water supply using water meters which can discourage people from wasting a lot of water and collecting rainwater.
How do people adapt to changes caused by Climate Change by changing agricultural systems?
- To plant new crop types which are more suitable to new climate conditions.
What technology is used to create more varieties in crops for extreme weather in some regions?