Clicker Questions Flashcards
True or false: Egypt ran into problems because of Nasser’s influence in the Arab political scene.
Provide examples of contradictory agreements made by other countries post WWI
- Russia had pull out of war
- Balfour Declaration
- British occupied Iraq previously so they had more say
True or false: in 1982, Israeli troops entered Lebanon to overthrow Syrians president and install more peaceful regime.
What changes came to Nasser and Egypt after 1967 war?
Reconciled with King Hussein
Ended up in Soviet camp
accepted financial support from Saudi rivals
What three significant and interested developments occurred with regard to Palestine after WWI?
Fixing Palestine’s borders
Balfour Declaration (favor establishment of Palestinian state)
Britain established itself the colonial power
What was the majority opinion endorsed by the United National Social Committee on Palestinian (UNSCOP) in 1947?
Majority- partition with a few tweaks
2 states establish by treaty formal economic union
Establish international enclave around Jerusalem and Bethlehem
When did Zionists proclaim the establishment of the state of Israel?
May 14, 1948
By the time the 1947-49, war ended, how had the “political map and demographic character of Palestine” changed?
Palestine and Arab state did not become a reality
Bulk of Palestinians left country
When, why, under what circumstances was the PLO established?
January 1964
A creation of the Arab states to demonstrate support for Palestine and stop guerrilla organizations form drawing Arab states into war
What were the key provisions of the November 22 1967 UN Security Council Resolution 242 (UNSCR 242)?
Withdrawal of Israel forces from obtained territories
Termination of all stage did belligerency
Guarenteed freedom of navigation through international water ways
Refugee problem settled
At the time of the establishment of Islam, what two empires were fighting for control of the central area of the Middle East?
Byzantines and Sassanians