Classical Conditioning Flashcards
What are the assumptions of the theory?
-Things are learnt through association.
-Environment shape our behaviour.
What is an unconditioned stimulus and response?
UCS- innate stimulus that causes a reflexive response.
UCR-occurs naturally to a unconditioned stimulus.
What is a neutral stimulus?
Stimulus that does not cause a natural reaction and has no initial response to the stimulus.
What is conditioned stimulus and responce?
CS- is associated with the UCS to cause a response.
CR- learnt response to a stimulus.
What are the equations for the theory?
UCS + NS —–> UCR
CS —–> CR
What is discrimination?
Stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus but do not produce the conditioned responce.
What is generalisation?
Stimuli similar to the CS do produce the CR
What is extinction?
The loss of the CR to a CS when the UCS and NS are no longer paired.
What is spontaneous recovery?
A previously extinct behaviour returns.
How can Pavlov’s study support classical conditioning?
-Dogs associated food(UCS) with bell(NS/CS) and saliva was produced(CR).
-Learnt through association.
How can Watson and Rayner support classical conditioning?
Little Albert showed evidence of CS to CR.
How is the theory useful?
-Can explain phobias and treatments such as flooding to un-associate the CS and CR so there is no longer a phobia.
What other theories can support the theory?
CC doesn’t account for biological theories so theory is incomplete.