Classical Conditioning Flashcards
Relatively permanent change in behavior from experience
Type of learning pared to stimuli
Classical Conditioning
Person place thing we respond to
How we act/behave
Automatic person, place or thing
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)
Automatic act/behave
Unconditioned Response (UCR)
Trained person, place or thing
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
Trained act/behave
Conditioned Response (CR)
Process of pairing two stimuli, repetition and intensity
Learned response goes away
After extinction, learned response returns
Spontaneous Recovery
Same response to similar stimuli
Different responses to different stimuli
Russian scientist who trained dogs to salivate to the sound of a bell
Ivan Pavlov
Tested to see if they could make a baby become scared of a rat feared rats (generalized), little albert test
John Watson and Rosalie Rayner
Sometimes CC is conscious
Robert Rescorla and Allan Wagner
Taste aversion- avoid certain foods
John Garcia and Robert Koelling
The frequency of behaviors depends on the consequence that follows
Use rewards/consequences for behavior
Operant Conditioning
Behaviors with favorable consequences will occur more often
Reward=more behavior Consequence=less behavior
Law of Effect-Edward Thorndike
Developing the fundamental principles and techniques of operant conditioning
Trained pigeons using food
B.F. Skinner
Consequence that increases the likelihood of the behavior
Increase behavior
Behavior is followed by a desirable event
Add something they like to increase behavior
If you make your bed you’ll get candy
Positive Reinforcement
Increases the likelihood of a behavior by removing an undesirable event
Removing something they don’t like to increase their behavior
Make your bed and you don’t have to do laundry
Negative Reinforcement
Naturally rewarding
What we use to reward/punish- Automatic reward food, water, sleep, love
Primary Reinforcement
Something you have learned is rewarding
What we use to reward/punish- trained/learned rewards money
Secondary Reinforcement
Consequence that decreases the likelihood of the behavior
Decrease behavior
Adding something they don’t like to decrease behavior
If you can’t clean your bedroom you have to have more chores
Positive Punishment
Getting rid of something they like to decrease behavior.
If you can’t clean your bedroom you can’t have your phone
Negative Punishment
reinforcement of behaviors that are increasingly similar to the one you want to occur.
Rewarding along the way
The ability to distinguish amoung similar signals/stimuli.
Specific behavior for reward dog knows specific trick to do
The loss of a learned response when a consequence no longer follows it
Behavior dies with no reward or consequence
When we reward/punish
Schedules of Reinforcement
Reward follows every correct response
Reward every time
Continuous Reinforcement
Reward follows only some correct responses
Reward only sometimes
Partial Reinforcement
Set number
Every 5 times you get reward Quickest response
Fixed Ratio Reinforcement
Random number
Every random time you get reward Longest lasting
Variable Ratio Reinforcement
Set time
Every Friday they check skyward Promotes cramming
Fixed Interval Reinforcement
Random time
Check skyward random times Promotes autopilot
Variable Interval Reinforcement