Class Structure and Organisation Flashcards
Outline gymnastics proficiency in the warmup.
Incrementalism, patience and practice make basic calisthenics easy.
Easily incorporated into a warmup for regular exposure.
Essential features of a CrossFit warmup
Hip/leg extension
Trunk/hip extension and flexion
Pushing and pulling movements
Foundations of effective training
Teaching: Articulate and instruct mechanics of each movement based on individual needs and capacity.
Seeing: Discern good from poor movement and identify faults when athlete is static or in motion.
Correcting: Facilitate better mechanics using visual, verbal and tactile cues. Includes ability to prioritise faults. Dependent on capacity in teaching and seeing.
Group Management: The ability to organise and manage time, space, equipment and participants
Presence and Attitude: The ability to create a positive and engaging learning environment.
Demonstration: Provide athletes with an accurate visual example of movement at hand. Lead by example.