Class Notes Flashcards
Brainstorming Methods?
~ 1. SCAMPER ~ 2. Bionics ~ 4. Attributes Modifying ~ 4. Attributes Transfer ~ 5. Morphological Synthesis ~ 6. Synectics ~ 7. Taboo and Risk Taking
What are the Brainstorming Basics?
- Think fast, Judge Later
- kill the critic
- quantity, not quality
- ihmwmi (in how many ways might I..)
- The wilder, the better
- Piggy backing; combine & improve & expand
- stepping stone
- Incubate (set problem aside then come back to it)
- Evaluate
- Act!
What does SCAMPER stand for?
Substitute Combine Adapt Magnify, modify, & minify Put to other uses Evaluate Reverse or rearrange
What are bionics?
Looking to nature to find solutions.
What is Attributes Modifying?
Identify the qualities of a certain thing, list other things relating to that quality, choose one thing from each quality and put them together to create something new.
Ex) water bottle one in notes
What is Attributes Teansfer?
Come up with a random list of nouns, adjectives, or anything and transfer (apply) them to your problem.
What is morphological synthesis?
Randomly choose from a list of random things and bring them all together to create one.
The joining together of unrelated things
a. Direct analogy
b. Personal analogy
c. Fantasy
What is direct analogy
Finding a similar problem or challenge outside your problem for a solution.
Personal analogy?
Become the problem
The impossible, ideal, miraculous, perfect solution
Taboo & risk taking
The breaking of official and unofficial rules, laws, or morals.
CT #3?
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
~Albert Einstein
Critical Thinking #4?
Critical Thinking #5
Produce knowledge, understanding, and analysis rather than reproduce.
Critical Thinking #6
To persevere when the solution to a problem is not immediately apparent.
Critical thinking #7
To be flexible in your thinking
Critical Thinking #8
To pose problems on your own and discover solutions to these problems.
Critical Thinking #9
To transfer thinking skills to other areas in curriculum and beyond the scope of the school.
Critical Thinking #10
To enjoy problems & solving them.
- “Aha” ~ Newtonian response (the lightbulb, the aha moment)
- “Ha” ~ humorous response (makes you laugh)
- “Ah” ~ emotional response (feels right)
The rut is comfortable, eh?
F2OE Ahahahahahaha Divergent thinking Convergent thinking KUAASE
What is KUAASE
Knowledge Understanding Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation