class differences in achievement - internal factors Flashcards
what is labelling, and how do teachers label unfairly
to attach a meaning/ definition to an individual
regardless of pupils actual ability or attitude, teachers label on stereotypes assumptions of their identity
what do interactionists study in labelling
labelling, in classroom/ playgrounds behaviours
small scale, face to face interactions between individuals
what is a study that shows have teachers label based on stereotypes of students backgrounds
Becker - 60 Chicago high school teachers judged pupils based on according to how closely they fitted image of the “deal pupil’
MC pupils= closer to ideal than WC
what is a sutdy that shows that teachers have different notions of their own ideal pupil
Hempel-Jorgensen studies two primary schools - notions vary according to social-class make up the school
WC Aspen primary school - discipline a major problem , ideal pupil = quiet, passive + obedient. children defined by behaviour, not academic ability
MC rowan primary school - few discipline problems, ideal pupil based in personality not behaviour
what sociologists state that school persistently produce working class failure because of assumptions and labelling of teachers
interviews in 9 secondary school, teachers normalised underachievement of WC, unconcerned by it. believed WC parents are uninterested by underachievement whereas MC are more involved +support
in dunne and gazeleys study how did teachers react to underachievement between classes in context to class and parent support
MC parents viewed to be more supportive so if MC were failing, extension work was set for improvement but WC pupils were entered for low tier exams as abilities were underestimated
what study shows that labelling also happens in primary schools
Rist’s study of American kindergarten shows. teachers used info from kids backgrounds + appearance to place children in separate tables
MC children = tigers. teacher showed greatest encouragement
WC children = sat far away ‘clowns’ ,read low level books, given less chances to show abilities
what are the steps are the self - fulfilling prophecy
step 1 ; teacher labels and so makes predictions
step2; teacher treats pupil accordingly, acting as if prediction is true
step3 ; pupil internalises expectation, becomes a part of his self-concept or self-image
A study that shows how teachers treat students will cause them to respond accordingly
Rosenthal + Jacobson - pupils given IQ tests to identify “spurters”
20% picked at random as ‘spurters’, on return a year later 47% “spurters’ showed improvement in performance
why did some ‘spurters performance improve a yar later when IQ test was repeated
teachers showed encouragement to those who were viewed as spurters, more frequent interactions, setextension work
students internalised - self fulfilled the label
how can self-fulfilling prophecy produce underachievement
if teachers have low expectations of students and communicate these expectations in their interactions, children may develop negative self- concept
e.g fulfilling label of failure
what is streaming
streaming - categorisation based on general academic ability
what is evidence of how streaming + setting can be unfair to WC
Becker - teachers do not see WC as ideal, they lack ability+ low expectations, so WCare in low streams
once streamed it is difficult to move up from stream, students are locked into low level expectation
this created a self-fulfilling prophecy
what is a study shows that streaming can have a negative impact on cognitive development
Douglas - children in low stream at age 8 had suffered decline in IQ by 11
in contrast MC are in high streams, and so develop positive self-concept + confidence
IQ increases by 11
what is a study shows that streaming can have a negative impact on cognitive development
Douglas - children in low stream at age 8 had suffered decline in IQ by 11
in contrast MC are in high streams, and so develop positive self-concept + confidence
IQ increases by 11
what is a study that proves that teachers label unfairly based on stereotypes that leads to the failure of minorities
Gillborn + Youdell - Black + White are less likely to be seen as having an ability and so entered for low tier exams
how does assuming the ability of white and blacks lead to lower attainment ( Gillborn + Youdell)
White +Black are entered for low - tier exam that may underestimate ability.
they are denied of the knowledge + opportunity needed to gain good grades
how do league tables lead to underachievement of WC and black pupils
schools need to achieve good league table position to attract funding + pupils
schools focus time on MC - most likely to get good grade, whereas WC + ethnic minorities are ignored
what is the educational triage
sorting students into 3 categories
1. those who will pass anyway
2. borderline C/D
3. hopeless cases
how does educational triage cause inequality
those viewed as hopeless cases are most likely to be black or WC - stereotypes
leads to self fulfilling prophecy as they are put in low streams where they are ignored