Class 9 - Teaching and Learning for Health Promotion Flashcards
Health Promotion
the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health
process of deliberately arranging external conditions to promote internal change than translates to a change in behaviour
How do you reach full teaching potential?
What is the purpose of education?
increase competence and confidence of patients and families in their self-management
What is the goal of patient education?
prepare patients and families for independence
Every encounter is an opportunity for ______________
Properties of Adult Learners
-like choices
-variety of learning styles
-need abilities honoured
-more rigid in thinking
-set patterns of behaviour
-do best in an environment of safety, acceptance, respect
-readiness arises from changes
-learn from experiences
-learn best when topic is valuable
-approach learning as problem solving
-see themselves as doers
-may resist when they don’t align
Properties of Older Adult learners:
-take longer time to learn
-have same capacity to learn
-difficulty remembering isolated facts
-anxiety and distractions impair learning
-less willing to take risks
-may have sensory-perceptual deficits
-what may enhance learning?
-do these change based on the topic?
What do you assess?
-physical characteristics (age, experience, impairments, CNS function)
-psychological characteristics (anxiety, stress response, self-efficacy)
-sociocultural characteristics (occupation, incomes, literacy, housing, cultural)
-educational characteristics (learning needs, readiness, learning style)
must be a nursing diagnosis that can be treated with EDUCATION
-learning objectives
-select strategies
-prioritize learning outcomes
Teaching Plan
-blueprint for goals and objectives
-based on assessment
What does a successful plan need?
-related health content
-time allotment
BOPPPS model
Participatory learning activity
Post assessment
What should you evaluate?
-short and long term effects of teaching
What are some barriers to nurse-teacher effectiveness?
-lack of time, knowledge, confidence
-disagreement with client
-shortened hospitalizations
-complex treatment
Barriers to client-learning effectiveness?
-lack of time
-personal characteristics
-extent of change required
-support system
-complexity of learning
-multiple needs
How can you enhance learning?
-environment (relaxed and non-threatening)
-attitude (respectful, warm, enthusiastic)
-focus on pt needs
-focus on “must know” and add “nice to know” if time
-involve patient AND family
-assess, utilize past experience