Class 7: Post Partum Body System Changes Table Flashcards
what changes occur to the HR, BP, and RR during the postpartum period
- HR and BP return to prepregnancy lvls within a few days
- return to prepregnancy RR
what changes to T occur during the postpartum period
- temp may increase to 38*C within 1st 24 hours due to dehydrating effects of labor
- should be afebrile after 24h
describe contractions of the uterus in the postpartum period (2)
- release of oxytocin from pituitary gland strengthens/coordinates muscle contractions in postpartum period
- continued muscle contractions of uterus support achievement of hemostasis by compression of intra-myometrial blood vessels
the relase of oxytocin postpartum is supported by
- breastfeeding
the continued uterus contractions in postpartum are experienced as…
- afterpains / cramps
define: involution
- the return of the uterus to a nonpregnant state after birth
during pregnancy, the uterus enlarges due to hyperplasia and hypertrophy. what occurs after birth?
- autolysis destroys the hypertrophied cells
- the uterus remains slightly larger in size after each pregnancy due to the additional cells from the process of hyperplasia
describe changes to uterus size postpartum
- rapidly reduces in size after birth
the fundus usually descends ___cm q24h postpartum
- 1-2 cm every 24 hrs
two weeks after birth, where does the uterus lie?
- lies in true pelvis below symphysis
at the end of the 3rd stage of labor, where is the uterus located? how much does it weight?
- fundus 2cm below umbilicus
- 1000 g
at 12hrs after birth, where is the uterus located?
- may rise to 1cm above umbilicus
at 24 hrs after birth, where is the uterus located?
- uterus is about the same size that it was at 20 weeks gestation
after 2 weeks, where is the uterus located? how much does it weigh?
- uterus is no longer abdominally palpable
- 350g
by 6 weeks postpartum the uterus weighs approx?
- 60-80 g
describe uterine placement postpartum
- should be midline on abdomen
deflection of the uterus can indicate?
- a distended bladder
describe the size and consistency of the uterus postpartum (3)
- ~size of a grapefruit
- round
- firm
what is uterine atony?
- loss of tone in the uterine musculature
what indicates uterine atony?
- large uterus
- soft/boggy uterus
uterine atony is the most common cause of? how?
- excessive bleeding in the postpartum period as it means the intra-myometrial blood vessels are not being adequately compressed by the uterine muscle contractions
what is subinvolution
- the failure of the uterus to return to the prepregnant state
subinvolution is often related to.. (2)
- retained placental fragments
- infection
the unique healing process of the endometrium prevents?
- normal scar formation
endometrial regeneration is compelte by? expect where and when is this compelted?
- complete by postpartum day 16
- except at placental site where it is completed at 6 weeks
expulsion of the placenta leads to? particularly which ones?
- leads to decrease of placental-produced hormones
- estrogen and progesterone lvls drop markedly
in non-lactating birthers, estrogen lvls begin to increase when??
- 2 weeks after birth
define: lochia
- the name for the uterine discharge that passes vaginally following birth
describe lochia rubra, what can it include?
- bright red or dark bleeding
- can include small clots, blood, decidual & trophoblastic debris
describe the heaviness and duration of lochia rubra
- heaviness: amt of a heavy menstrual period in first 2 hrs after birth, may soak a pad q2-3 h
- duration: 3-4 days
describe the color of lochia serosa, what does it include?
- color: brownish or pinkish color
- includes: old blood, serum, leukocytes, and debris
what is the duration of lochia serosa, heaviness?
- heaviness: mild to moderatr
- duration: days 4-10 (can last up to 27 days, majority day 10)
describe the color of lochia alba, what does it include?
- white in color
- includes: leukocytes, decidua, epithelial cells, mucus, serum, bacteria
what is the heaviness of lochia alba? duration?
- heaviness: light flow or spotting
- duration: day 10 until 4-8 weeks postpartum
how large is the cervix within 2-3 days postpartum? 1 week?
- 2-3 days: 2-3 cm
- 1 week: ~1cm
describe the appearance of the cervix postpartum?
- outer part of the cervix that opens into the vagina (ectocervix) appears bruised and has small lacerations
- external os of cervix never returns to its pre-pregnancy appearance = jagged line/slit instead of circular
the small lacerations of the cervix postpartum causes what?
- optimal conditions for development of infection
describe the differences in ovarian function in lactating vs nonlactating persons? why does this occur?
- differ in timing of ovulation and menstruation
- bc elevated prolactin lvls in lactating persons suppress ovulation
describe menstruation of non-lactating birthers
- 70% menstruate within the first 12 weeks after birth
- ovulation can occur as early as 27 days after birth, mean time = 7-9 weeks postpartum