Class 3: Antepartum Bleeding Flashcards
bleeding in pregnancy is considered?
- a medical emergency
50% of bleeding in the 3rd trimester is (2)
- placenta previa
- or placental abruption
maternal blood loss leads to…
- decreased O2 carrying capacity
decreased O2 carrying capacity can lead to what maternal risks (6)
- hypovolemia
- anemia
- infection
- preterm labour
- preterm birth
- exsanguination
decreased O2 carrying can lead to which fetal risks? (7)
- blood loss
- anemia
- hypoxemia
- hypoxia
- anoxia (extreme form of hypoxia)
- preterm birth
- still birth
why is exsanguination a risk with pregnancy bleeding?
- approx 750-1000 ml/min (15% of cardiac output) of blood flow to the uterine vasculature and placenta = diruption of vascular integrity has a potential for maternal exsanguination within 8-10 min
pregnant persons who are rh negative may receive ______ in which scenarios where antepartum bleeding is involved (3)
- may receive anti-D (Rh immune globulin WinRho)
- when worried about maternal & fetal blood mixing
- miscarriage/threatened abortion/induced abortion/ectopic pregnancy
- if fetal to maternal hemorrhage occurs/suspected fetal blood is Rh positive (placental abruption, placental previa)
what is included in early pregnancy bleeding (3)?
- miscarriage/spontaneous abortion
- premature dilation of the cervix
- ectopic pregnancy
define: miscarriage/spontaneous abortion
- a pregnancy that ends without medical or surgical intervention prior to 20 weeks of gestation or 500g fetal weight is defined as a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion
what is a threatened pregnancy loss
- vaginal bleeding that occurs during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy
- does not necessarily mean your pregnancy will end in a miscarriage
what are clinical manifestations of a threatened pregnancy loss (4)
- mild spotting
- mild cramping
- closed cervical os
- may progress to actual miscarriage
what is an inevitable miscarriage (2)
- refers to unexplained vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain during early pregnancy
- unlike threatened miscarriage, an inevitable miscarriage is also accompanied by dilation of the cervical canal. The open cervix is a sign that the body is in the process of miscarrying the pregnancy.
what are clinical manifestations of inevitable miscarriage? (4)
- moderate bleeding
- mild to severe cramping
- dilated cervix (will happen/inevitable)
- no passage of tissue
what is an incomplete miscarriage
- some—but not all—of the pregnancy tissue is passed.
what are clinical manifestations of an incomplete miscarriage (4)
- heavy bleeding
- severe cramping
- open cervical os
- tissue passage, likely in cervix
what is a complete spontaneous abortion
- refers to a miscarriage in which all of the pregnancy tissue is expelled from the uterus
what are signs of a complete spontaneous abortion (4)
- all fetal tissue is passed
- cervix is closed
- possible slight bleeding
- mild cramping
what is a missed abortion
- occurs when a fetus implants, but fails to develop.
what are signs of a missed abortion (3)
- products of conception are retained in utero for up to several weeks
- potentially no bleeding or cramping
- cervical os remains closed
management of a miscarriage depends on…
- type and symptoms
ex. infection? bleeding? retained products?
what is involved in assessment of miscarriages ? (6)
- US (rule out ectopic pregnancy)**
- VS & FHR (is there a FHR??)
- vaginal discharge and bleeding
- uterine activity (cramps)
- pain assessment
- lab tests
what lab tests are involved in assessment of miscarriages (2)
- check serum hCG x2 over 48 hrs
- other tests depend on symptoms and history (ex. CBC)
what nursing care is involved in management of miscarriages (6)
- support
- education
- prep for medical and surgical procedures
- admin of analgesia and other meds as ordered
- blood admin as ordered
- discharge teaching
medical and/or surgical management of a misscarriage depends on…
- the overall clinical picture and the type of spontaneous abortion
inevitable abortion with fever or bleeding will require…
- prompt emptying of the uterus, usually by dilatation and curettage
what is premature dilation of the cervix
- passive and painless dilation of the cervical os without labor or contraction of the uterus
premature dilation of the cervix can result in.. (2)
- preterm birth
- miscarriage
whats included in mngmt of premature dilation of the cervix (2)
- restrict activity
- cerclage (thread to singe cervix shut & remove at 35-38 weeks gestation)
what is an ectopic pregnancy
- involves the implantation of the fertilized ovum outside of the uterine cavity
- condition where fertilized egg attaches outside the uterus