Class 7 Flashcards
Charles Lyell
Effectively discredited the long-standing view that the earth’s surface had been formed by short-lived cataclysms, such as biblical floods and earthquakes.
Charles Lyell’s idea that geologic processes have not changed throughout Earth’s history.
Bishop James Ussher
Used the Bible to date the origin of the earth to 4004 B.C. in 1650.
Thomas Malthus
Eighteenth-century English intellectual who warned that population growth threatened future generations because, in his view, population growth would always outstrip increases in agricultural production.
Charles Darwin
English natural scientist who formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection (1809-1882).
Origin of Species
1859: Charles Darwin’s book explained how various species evolve over time and only those with advantages can survive and reproduce.
T.H. Huxley
Chief spokesman for Darwin - “Darwin’s Bulldog” who got embroiled in controversy between Church and science. Specifically, represented Darwin’s findings at debate with Bishop of Oxford.
Samuel Wilberforce
Anglican Bishop who attacked Darwin’s theory as incompatible with the Bible; attempted to destroy Darwin’s theory through scientific arguments; aimed final point at Huxley when he asked whether it was through his Grandfather or Grandmother that Huxley claimed descended from a monkey.
Albrecht Ritschl
Originated the social gospel movement.
Adolf von Harnack
Tried to make Christianity appealing to unbelievers by stripping it down to its essence.
Walter Rauschenbusch
New York clergyman who preached the social gospel, worked to alleviate poverty, and worked to make peace between employers and labor unions.
D.L. Moody
The great American revivalist who brought the gospel to great crowds of people in America and Great Britain.
William Booth
Founder of the Salvation Army.
Salvation Army
This welfare organization came to the US from England in 1880 and sought to provide food, shelter, and employment to the urban poor while preaching temperance and morality.
Holiness Movement
The family of Protestant churches who seek perfection in the world by developing a lifestyle of personal holiness and following a rigid code of behavior.
Keswick Movement
England in 1840’s/50s; Holy Spirit continually counteracts sinfulness in us- gives us power to serve, called this the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Charles Spurgeon
19th century British Reformed Baptist
Influenced by American Puritans
Prolific and eloquent preacher influencing Calvinists and Baptists, called “The Prince of Preachers”.
First Mega church pastor
Abraham Kuyper
Dutch Theologian. successor of Calvin in the reformed tradition. Said learning takes faith: depends what or whom you have faith in not weather you have faith. Was a prime minister and newspaper editor.
A renewal movement within Protestant Christianity that places special emphasis on a direct personal experience of God through the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
Azusa Street Revival
Historic Pentecostal revival meeting that took place in Los Angeles, California, and was led by William J. Seymour, an African American preacher. The revival was characterized by ecstatic spiritual experiences accompanied by speaking in tongues, dramatic worship services, and inter-racial mingling
William Seymour
A follower of Parham who moves from Topeka to Los Angeles and preaches the “filling of the Spirit” in a warehouse on Azusa Street.
Welsh Revival
A revival begun in Wales by evangelists Seth Joshua and Evan Roberts; Approximately 100,000 men, women, and children came to Christ.
Scopes Monkey Trial
1925, the trial that pitted the teaching of Darwin’s theory of evolution against teaching Bible creationism.
Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy
Battle between fundamentalists and modernists waged over doctrine and control of schools, mission boards, etc.
The belief that the Pope is the sole authority in religious matters.
Support authority of the national church
Syllabus of Errors
- Pope Pius IX denounced rationalism, socialism, and separation of church and state.
Pope Pius IX
Strongly denounced rationalism, socialism, separation of church and state, and religious liberty. Support for unification gave way to fear and hostility after he was temporarily driven from Rome during the upheavals of 1848-Syllabus of Errors.
John Henry Newman
A leader of the Oxford Movement, converted to Catholicism, became a cardinal and influential writer.