Class 7 Flashcards
Vg and FQ none
Very similar
Both scored except when the FQ is listed in the table as o or u or -
If any part of the response has form demand, the response is not vague (“a blob with a beak”)
Can inject form into an otherwise vague response (“paint in a circle”)
Leaf and lake are vague unless form is injected
Something destroyed can lose form demand (form is obliterated)
e.g., “A smashed bug”
Props (off-card imagery)
Props are coded into MOA and ODL
BUT not for synthesis or other codes
So could have MOA without a Sy
Must share the shape, not just the object
e.g., face straight-on vs profile, cat whole vs. cat part
Start with the response in its entirety, then more to subparts (Garden) before (rose)
Extrapolation - Judgement of Fit
Decision is typically between FQ- and FQu. To differentiate FQ- from FQu, the key cutoff is a value of 2.4 on the 5-point scale, p. 179
Q: “Can I see it quickly and easily at the designated location?”
Important vs. Unimportant
Unimportant objects
> Unimportant objects are positional and logical extensions of important objects
Response level to Protocol level conversion
The protocol level counts and calculations page
See what are counts and what are calculations in chapter 8
RPAS Indicators
All the individual indicator scores and also Composite scores
Only computer can reliably calculate RPAS results
> Some scores are too complicated to calculate (Complexity Index, Ego Impairment Index)
Converts all indicators to T-scores!
Composite and Index Scores
- Complexity Index
- IntCont (Intellectualized Content)
- EII-3 (Ego Impairment Index)
- TP-Comp (Thought and Perception Composite)
- WSumCog (Weighted Sum Cognitive)
- SC-Comp (Suicide Concern Composite)
- V-Comp (Vigilance Composite)
- CritCont% (Critical Content percent)
(See pp. 286-294; see p. 297 for table of calculations)
“Complexity/engagement is the first factor (accounting for most of the variance) when you factor analyze Rorschach scores. Research shows it is associated with malingering/defensiveness among many other things. In R-PAS we measure this using a variable that includes Location/Space/Object., Determinant, and Content complexity. R-PAS scoring output automatically calculates how high or low Complexity is in a given protocol and includes an option that allows users to partial it out to show how all the variables would look if the respondent had a median level of complexity” (Erard).
Ego Impairment Index (EII-3)
Reflects thinking disturbance and severity of psychopathology
Critical Content % (CritCon%)
= An + Bl + Sx + MOR + AGM + Ex + Fi
divided by R
Thought and Perception Composite TP-Comp
p. 294
Vigilance Composite (V-Comp)
p. 295
Suicide Concern Composite (SC-Comp)
p. 295
Norm-based Interpretation
Norms – critical issue
Keep in Mind
These indicators are to these 10 cards only
Given the distal critical bits, the nature of the blots
Takes lots of work to see food for example in these cards, unusual to see no humans or to see many humans, etc.
Norms are the basis of interpretation
In general look for a variance of a standard deviation or more from the norm to interpret an indicator
The further from the mean, the more significant
We will base our interpretations on the nomothetic results. Meanings are complex but we use words to point in the right direction (meaning is influenced by the constellation of indicators)
Keep in mind there is never a one-to-one correspondence between an indicator and its proposed meaning.
Also, keep in mind there is also content, sequence, and behavior interpretation.
RPAS Norms
RPAS adopted the International norms
Recognizing the substantial similarity to the Exner norms
But also acknowledging the broader applicability of the international norms
They argue International sample corrects CS tendency toward negative interpretations (particularly FQ)
International Norms Project
“Rorschach scores generalize across languages, cultures, and recruitment strategies” (RPAS, 2017)
Page 1 and Page 2
Page 1 = those variables with solid evidence of validity
Page 2 = those variables with some evidence of validity