Class 2 - Climate change Flashcards
What is climate change?
A change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and is in addition to natural climate variability
What is UNFCCC
UN framework convention on climate change. Internatial treaty adopted in 1992. A forum, no binding obligations
What is the objective of the UNFCCC?
To stabalize greenshouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system
What is the IPCC?
The intergovernmental panel on climate change. An international body of climate cgange scientists. They release assesment reports. 195 member states
What does the AR6 from the IPCC highligt?
Humans have warmed the atmosphere, the sea and land. The surface temp was 1.09 degrees higher in 2011-2020 than in 1850-1900. Each of the last four decades have been warmer than any decade before 1850. The temp is rising faster since 1970 than in any other 50 year period the past 2000 years
What is happening to ecosystem extent and condition?
Ecosystems have declined by 47%
What is happening to species extinction risk?
25% of species are already threatened with extinction
What is happening ecological communities?
The abundance of naturally-present species have declined by 23%
What is happening with biomass?
Biomass of wild mammals hs fallen by 82% since 1970
What do the IPCC predict will happen if we continue?
Increase in global temp between 1.2 and 5.7 degrees at the end of the century. Sea level rise between 28 to 101 cm. Change in rainfall patterns. Increased frequency of extreme rain events. Increased droughts. Increased heat waves.
Which parts of the world will recieve the most changed heat?
The poles
Which parts of the world will recieve the biggest change in rain?
Eqautor and the poles
What are the two things we can do?
Adaptation (adressing the impacts) or mitigation (Adressing the causes)
What are examples of mitigation?
Energy conservation, energy effeciency, renewable energy
What is energy conservation?
Any behaviour that results in the use of less energy