Class 2: blood pressure issues Flashcards
what are gestational conditions
disorders that did not exist before pregnancy
what is pre eclampsia
basically vasospasm in spiral arteries. They get fibrous and constricted (they should be dilated)
this results in less blood flow getting to fetus
fetus then produces pro-inflammatory proteins that damage endothelial cells and lead to vasoconstriction and salt retention (which increases BP)
what is one test that tests for pre-eclampsia
urine test for protein uria
what is non-severe HTN in pregnancy
> 140/>90
how should you measurer BP in pregnant person
taken at least 15 mins apart, after 5 mins of rest
if both values are high take the higher one
what is severe HTN in pregnancy
> 160
how soon should you treat a pregnant person with severe HTN
treat as an emergency, should be treated within 30-60 mins (if you were to prioritise it would be this first unless someone was literally bleeding out)
what is superimposed pre-eclampsia
someone who develops pre eclampsia who already has HTN (instead of the other way around where the constricted spiral arteries lead to HTN)
what are the main risk factors for pre eclampsia
- been a long time since last period (or no period at all)
- any fam history or personal history with pre eclamsea or weird birth
- heavy: DM, increased BMI, sleep apnea
- kidney issues or clotting issues or chronic HTN
draw mind map of how pre eclampsia happens
what value of proteinuria indicates pre eclampsia in a pregnant person
0.03g/L or more in at least two random urine specimens
collected 6 hours apart
no evidence of UTI
what is the cure to pre-eclampsia
getting the placenta out
what is eclampsia
seizures in women diagnosed with pre-eclampsia with no other history that would explain the seizures
what are the specific symptoms of eclampsia
severe epigastric pain
what are the main symptoms of HELLP syndrome
(remember its hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and Low platelets, comes from pre-eclampsea)
RUQ pain
lots of Nausea and vomiting