Class 14: Hegemonic Stability Theory Flashcards
What is the purpose of intl. institutions when sustained by a hegemon?
Sustain economic system and international political order as well as prevent another depression.
Power Transition Theory
The principle hegemonic stability theory of war.
When does war occur under power transition theory?
When one state is in relative decline of total power to another.
Who are the main actors in power transition theory?
1) status quo states
2) challenger/revisionist states
What was Power Transition Theory updated to say in the 1980s?
War starts when a challenger is stronger than the hegemon but loses due to a weaker coalition.
What is Long Cycle Theory?
Periodic dominance of the intl. system by a Hegemon and transition occurs through war.
What is the hegemonic cycle?
Started with Europe around 1500 AD. Lasts 100 years.
What is the pattern of hegemonic wars?
Probing -> adjusting -> hegemonic war
What is hegemonic naval power based on?
commercial trade/technological innovation
What often causes the fall of hegemons?
They become over-extended in defending interests and fall behind technologically and commercially.
What matters more than natural resources?
Trade/financial power
What are the two cases of hegemonic transfer of naval power?
1) naval power defeats hegemonic naval power, new naval power becomes the status quo
2). land power defeats naval power, weakening the hegemonic naval power and allowing another naval power to take over as hegemon.
What two ways does victory by a hegemon restructure the international system?
1). international institutions
2). structure of trade
Periods of peace indicate what from the hegemon?
periods of war indicate what from the hegemon?
What did the Smoot-Hawley Act do/its impact?
Increase tariffs and worsened the great depression.
What did the depression cause politically?
Rise of radical parties.
What was Kindleberger’s hegemonic stability theory?
Hegemons maintain public good of the international economy.
What are the two concepts of Public good?
1). nonrivalness - a gain of one state in free trade does not cause loss of another
2). nonexclusiveness - states may benefit from trade w/o expending resources
What are the three Hegemonic Stability Theories?
1). Power Transition Theory
2). Long Cycle Theory
3). Kindleberger’s Hegemonic Stability Theory
What two services are hegemons to provide under Kindleberger’s Hegemonic Stability Theory?
1). the lender of last resort
2). the market of last resort
Why was the UN established?
to support the world bank and international monetary fund
What are the three critiques of hegemonic stability theory?
1). free trade is a myth
2). free trade is excludable
3). small states can cooperate to maintain a public good without a hegemon
Questions in regard to US hegemony?
1). do hegemons benefit from exploitation of the international system or do they become overextended by maintaining the system?
2). Is the US in a decline?