Class 13: International Political Economy Flashcards
Active Recall of the classification of International Political Economy by Robert Gilpin of Liberalism, Mercantilism, and Marxism. The assumptions of liberalism with regard to trade and peace, their critiques, origins, and important theories.
What are the 3 Classifications of International Political Economy by Robert Gilpin?
Liberalism, Mercantilism, and Marxism.
What is international political economy?
International relations/organizations interactions with economics through inter-state trade and investment.
What are the origins of liberalism and what people influenced it?
In the enlightenment, thinkers were Adam Smith, Montesquieu, and the Manchester Liberals.
What were the two Classical Liberalism arguments for IPE?
1: trade obtains wealth easier than war.
2: trade converts militarists to middle class. Wealth is transferred to the masses.
What is the definition of liberalism in the international political economy?
Managing a market economy to achieve maximum efficiency, economic growth, and individual welfare.
What are the assumptions of liberalism in relation to trade and peace?
1: separate pursuit of territory from wealth
2: market forces replace government and depoliticize trade
3: free trade creates interdependence and disincentivizes war.
What is the liberal market logic?
-the market arises spontaneously in response to needs
-price mechanism is the law of supply and demand
-equilibrium reached by maximizing gains
-Unit: consumer + household Seek: to maximize returns
- market sees productive growth through competition
What is the liberal logic of politics?
-free market/minimal state intervention
-individual equality + liberty
-market exchanges are free
What is the liberal logic of peace?
-trade leads to peace because long-term harmony will supercede any temporary/local conflict
-Richard Cobden + John Stuart Mill: harmony is obtained through separate pursuit of wealth and territory.
-specialization allows comparative advantage and pushes price down
What is the Theory of Comparative Advantage?
inter-state trade brings benefits because it permits states to specialize in predisposed activities, increasing overall efficiency.
Why is the presence of a middle class (created through trade) important for Liberalism?
Creates better resistance to war.
What are the critiques of Liberalism?
1) liberals separate economics from institutional and political bases.
2) international free trade has never existed without a naval hegemon.
3) economic interdependence is not symmetrical.
4) state is non-interventionalist, except when public goods are involved.
5) state non-intervention is at the cost of public.
6) assume complete information.
7) assume technological growth
What are the two cases of market failure in which intervention is required in liberalism?
1). depression - a constant cycle
2). monopolization - companies undersell competitors, bankrupt them, then raise their prices to maximize profits
What is argued by polyani?
Markets are sustained by a consensus of values, without this, the market is not free, just anarchy.
What is Mercantilism?
The economy is a subordinate actor to the state.
What is economic nationalism?
A process of statebuilding in which economics is subordinate to the imperatives of the state.
What is classical/financial mercantilism?
A focus on trade/investment.
What is industrial mercantilism?
Explosion in machine manufacturing
What is the position of mercantlilism?
Economic activity is subordinate to state interest.
What is autarky?
Economic self suffiency.
What is the logic of Mercantilism?
1). state is the most important org in the intl system, with national security as its principal
2). a current tendency to concentrate wealth in some states can lead to dependency and hierarchy internationally.
3). Adam smith said everyone wants to be a monopolist
4). mercantilism can be defensive or offensive
5). prefer a positive balance of trade
6). industry as base fo power
7). industry effects the rest of the economy, increasing the state’s power
What is protectionism?
High tariffs to block imports. - mercantilism
What is welfare mercantilism?
protects citizens from external competition
What is strategic use of trade?
“free trade” within the context of mercantilism. A middle ground between free trade and autarky.
What is Import Substitution Industrialization?
Infant industries protected by high tariffs and restrictions against exporting raw materials.
Who was Friedrich List?
Sought free trade in Germany but resisted due to fear that Germany would be dominated by neighbors.
What are the Critiques of Mercantilism?
1). little analysis of foregone gains
2). protectionism may decrease power if it decreases efficiency
How does Marxism define capitalism?
The private ownership of the means of production and the existence of wage labor.
What does Marxism say about the market?
Individuals are rational, the market is irrational and prone to failure.
What are the four Marxist dysfunctions of capitalism?
1). The law of disproportionality
2). law of concentration of capital
3). law of the failing rate of profit
4). the law of uneven growth
What are the critiques of Marxism?
1). economic interdependence is not the most important factor in international relations (strategic/nationalist issues matter more)
What is the law of disproportionality?
Says that market overproduction is in fact possible and the cyclical depression cycle will lead the proletariat into revolution. Rejects Say’s Law.
What is the law of concentration of capital?
Ever- increasing concentration of capital due to competition in the market that forces investors to increase efficiency to survive.
What is the law of the falling rate of profit?
As capital accumulates, the rate of return declines and decreases the incentive to invest.
What is the law of uneven growth?
By Lenin, not Marx. As capitalist economies grow, they seek colonies, their share of colonies depends on power and great powers seek redivision.