Class 12 Intl Organization Flashcards
What are the notions of liberalism?
relationship of trade, domestic freedom, and peace
3 major assumptions of liberalism
1) anarchy can be mitigated by institutions facilitating cooperation
2) international organizations are independent actors
3) states are not the most important actors
2 implications of the assumptions of liberalism
1) cooperation uneasy but facilitated by intl organizations
2) states seek absolute gains
7 techniques/strategies for cooperation
1). reduction in transaction costs
2). decomposition of large transactions
3). increase in transparency
4). issue linkage
5). commitments through sunk costs
6). threat of retaliation to defection
7). foster reciprocity
3 ideologies of intl organization
1) liberalism
2) neoliberalism
3) neorealism
two sources of disagreement that make cooperation difficult
preference over goals and preferences of strategies
What does reciprocity build upon?
a) past behavior
b) promise of future gains
Concert of Europe’s purpose?
Limit the likelihood of revolution
Reason for collapse of concert of europe
Relative gains
Robert Jervis’s requirements for a concert
1) members are status quo
2) believe they share values
3) territorial expansion not a means of maintaining status quo
4) war viewed as costly
What is collective security?
collective agreement to regulate
behavior and permit change
peacefully and prevention of war by defining state
interaction peacefully
3 components of collective security
1) states must trust each other and renounce aggression
2) not act in self interest
3) handle transgressors collectively
logical flaws of collective security
1) does not address the security dilemma
2) states don’t trust and cannot act collectively
reasons states don’t trust and cannot act collectively
1) impossible to determine aggressor v victim
2) impossible to determine good v bad
3) reluctance to punish friendly transgressor
4) relative gains/burden sharing weaken collective security
5) slow reaction may allow fait accompli
6) cooperation as a threat to sovereignty
7) responsible states help threatened states due to attitudes of force
Two examples of collective security
League of Nations
Origins of European Integration?
American push to make Europe
capable financially in protection from
the USSR, how the french were to manage Germany.
Pooling of European economic and defense resources - too far too fast.
What is functionalism and by David Mitrany?
short term economic benefits of
cooperation through regional
globalization increasingly made
individual states vulnerable to capital
flows and other economic effects
Schumann Plan
by Robert Schumann and adopted by the french foreign minister - Robert s\Schumann
mastrich treaty
created elections for parliament every 5 years for 626 seats
3 IMPLICATIONS of realist assumption
1) states are driven by fear and so cooperation is hard
2) only states matter
3) relative gains matter
what do defensive positionalists say?
better to be poor and ahead than
rich and behind