CJ- Chap 11 Flashcards
Goals of incarceration
Care, Custody, Control, and Rehabilitation
Drug/ Alcohol programs
New Skills
-Getting them back in the community, finding a place to stay, connecting them with their family.
-Counseling sessions
Correctional officers are given/ aren’t given…
-They are given a radio, flashlight, and keys
-Usually aren’t given pepper spray or a baton in fear they could get stolen by inmates
-They do not have guns
-Snipers are the only ones given a firearms, this is to shot fleeing inmates or keep an external threats out
use of force
allowed to physically control inmates
Rewards and Punishments
Rewards: Earned time, Books, Tv, Rec time, Tournaments in sports, Visitation
Punishments: Rec time taken, Time added on sentencing, Solitary confinement, Not leaving cel, Threat of taking rewards away
How do CO’s gain cooperation/ relationships
Letting little things slide in order for the prisoners to have a good day with everything else
Inmate leadership
-Called Trustee’s
-Says when the prisoners want a change
- They maintain order and get things for the inmates
-They are not snitches
Lock pick(bobby pins, paper clips)
Gets in through deliveries, COs, Drones,
what do CO’s do…
Count inmates, Check inmates. Move inmates/escorts, talking to inmates, they recruit, Use of force: It is okay to use force, Verbal to deadly, Self-defense, Riot, Escape attempt, Inmate on inmate fight
prisoner Characteristics
o People who sell drugs
o Murderers
o Recurrent offenders
o Most are male (93%);
o 18-40 yrs old
o Half of those are black males and dropouts
o Most have trauma in their background