Civics 16 and 17 Flashcards
Beliefs about what is fair and what is right or wrong
Rules enforced by governments
Civil disobiedience
Breaking a law in a nonviolent way because it goes against personal morals
Written laws made by legislatures
Common law
A body of law based on judge’s decisions
Legal code
Written collection of law often organized by subject
Any behavior that is illegal because the government considers it harmful to society
Criminal Law
Group of laws that tell which acts are crimes, how accused persons should be tried in court and how crimes should be punished
Serious crime for which the penalty can be inprisonment for more than one year
A less serious crime for which the penalty is often a fine
Civil Law
Group of laws that help settle disagreements between people
Placing someone in fear without actual physical contact
If physical contact occurs with a weapon or a foot
When a person breaks into a building and plans to do something illegal inside
Stealing money that has been entrusted in your care
Betrayal of one’s country by helping its enemies or by making war against it
A crime in which people or groups of people use or say they will use violence in order to get what they want from the government or society
Probable cause
A food reason to believe that has a suspect has been involved in a crime
A legal paper issued by a court giving police permission to make an arrest seizure or search
Money that a defendant gives the court as a kind of promise that he or she will return for their trial
A formal charge against the accused
A court hearing in which the defendant is formally charged with a crime and enters a plea of guilty, not guilty or no contest
Plea bargaining
Agreeing to plead guilty in exchange for a lesser charge or lighter sentence
Letting an inmate to free to serve the rest of their sentence outside of prison
A juvenile who is found guilty of a crime
Status offender
A youth found guilty of running away, disobidience, or truancy- skipping school without permission