Citabria 7ECA Flashcards
Engine Make/Model
Foreword, POH ii
Lycoming O-235-C1
Rated Horsepower (HP & RPM)
Operating Limitations, POH 1-2
115 HP | 2,800 RPM
Tachometer Range
Operating Limitations, POH 1-2
1,800-2,800 RPM
Cylinder Head Temperature Range
Operating Limitations, POH 1-2
90-500 ℉
Oil Temperature Range
Operating Limitations, POH 1-2
100-245 ℉
Oil Pressure Range
Operating Limitations, POH 1-2
Caution | 25-60 PSI
Normal | 60-100 PSI
Engine Fire at Start
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-2
Starter | Continue On Mixture | Idle Cut-off Throttle | Full -- - If Fire Persists - -- Mixture | Idle Cut-off Fuel Valve | Off Ignition | Off Electrical | Off
Engine Fire in Flight
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-2
Mixture | Idle Cut-off Fuel Valve | Off Ignition | Off Electrical | Off Cabin Heat | Off
Electrical Fire
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-3
Electrical | Off Ignition | On Air Vents & Window | Open -- - If Fire Persists - -- => Emergency Landing -- - If Fire Stopped - -- Master | On Electrical Req. | One-by-One
Alternator/Electrical Failure
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-3
-- - Ammeter Discharge - -- Master | Cycle -- - If Discharge Continues - -- Electrical Not-Req. | Off => Lost Comms => Safety Landing
Engine Failure on Take-Off
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-4
-- - If Enough Runway - -- Throttle | Idle -- - Tail Down - -- Brakes | Max -- - If Airborne - -- Elevator | Pitch Down Airspeed | 65 MPH -- - If Enough Altitude - -- Fuel Valve | On Mixture | Rich Carb. Heat | On Magnetos | On
Trun back only above 700 FT AGL
Engine Restart
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-4
Airspeed | 65 MPH Ignition | On Mixture | Full Rich Fuel Valve | On Carb. Heat | On Primer | Locked -- - If No Restart - -- Adjust Any of the Above => Emergency Landing
Engage starter if propeller is stopped
Rough Engine
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-5
-- - RPM Decrease - -- Carb. Heat | On Throttle | Full -- - RPM Decrease -> Increase - --
Keep carb. heat on as long as suspected icing conditions exist
Partial Power Loss
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-5
=> Engine Restart => Emergency Landing
High Oil Temperature
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-5
* Loss of Oil * Overheating * Failed Oil Cooler by-pass Valve -> Low Oil Pressure Throttle | Reduce Airspeed | Cruise Mixture | Full Rich => Safety Landing