Citabria 7ECA Flashcards
Engine Make/Model
Foreword, POH ii
Lycoming O-235-C1
Rated Horsepower (HP & RPM)
Operating Limitations, POH 1-2
115 HP | 2,800 RPM
Tachometer Range
Operating Limitations, POH 1-2
1,800-2,800 RPM
Cylinder Head Temperature Range
Operating Limitations, POH 1-2
90-500 ℉
Oil Temperature Range
Operating Limitations, POH 1-2
100-245 ℉
Oil Pressure Range
Operating Limitations, POH 1-2
Caution | 25-60 PSI
Normal | 60-100 PSI
Engine Fire at Start
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-2
Starter | Continue On Mixture | Idle Cut-off Throttle | Full -- - If Fire Persists - -- Mixture | Idle Cut-off Fuel Valve | Off Ignition | Off Electrical | Off
Engine Fire in Flight
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-2
Mixture | Idle Cut-off Fuel Valve | Off Ignition | Off Electrical | Off Cabin Heat | Off
Electrical Fire
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-3
Electrical | Off Ignition | On Air Vents & Window | Open -- - If Fire Persists - -- => Emergency Landing -- - If Fire Stopped - -- Master | On Electrical Req. | One-by-One
Alternator/Electrical Failure
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-3
-- - Ammeter Discharge - -- Master | Cycle -- - If Discharge Continues - -- Electrical Not-Req. | Off => Lost Comms => Safety Landing
Engine Failure on Take-Off
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-4
-- - If Enough Runway - -- Throttle | Idle -- - Tail Down - -- Brakes | Max -- - If Airborne - -- Elevator | Pitch Down Airspeed | 65 MPH -- - If Enough Altitude - -- Fuel Valve | On Mixture | Rich Carb. Heat | On Magnetos | On
Trun back only above 700 FT AGL
Engine Restart
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-4
Airspeed | 65 MPH Ignition | On Mixture | Full Rich Fuel Valve | On Carb. Heat | On Primer | Locked -- - If No Restart - -- Adjust Any of the Above => Emergency Landing
Engage starter if propeller is stopped
Rough Engine
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-5
-- - RPM Decrease - -- Carb. Heat | On Throttle | Full -- - RPM Decrease -> Increase - --
Keep carb. heat on as long as suspected icing conditions exist
Partial Power Loss
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-5
=> Engine Restart => Emergency Landing
High Oil Temperature
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-5
* Loss of Oil * Overheating * Failed Oil Cooler by-pass Valve -> Low Oil Pressure Throttle | Reduce Airspeed | Cruise Mixture | Full Rich => Safety Landing
Low Oil Pressure
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-5
* Failed Oil Pressure Relief Valve * Failed Oil Pump * Loss of Oil * Clogged Oil Line * High Oil Temperature * Failed gauge => Safety Landing
Safety Landing
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-5
* Higher/Closer Pattern * Within Gliding Distance => Before Landing C/L Airspeed | 60-65 MPH Throttle | Idle
If slipping, lower wing into the wind
Emergency Landing
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-6
Airspeed | 60-65 MPH Trim | Set Mixture | Idle Cut-off Fuel Valve | Off Master | On Emergnecy | 121.5 | 7700 * 1,000 FT Over Ldg. Point * 500 FT Downwind & Abeam Electrical | Off Airspeed | 60-65 MPH
Three point touch-down
Remove & activate ELT
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-6
=> Emergency Landing Door | Jettison * Land into Wind * Parallel to Swells on Calm Wind * Contact Water Nose High * Do Not Stall
Severe Turbulence
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-7
Airspeed Max | 120 MPH Airspeed Rec | 80 MPH * Level Fligh Attitude
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-7
* Aerodynamic Buffet Ailerons | Neutral Rudder | Lateral Control -- - Recovery - -- Elevator | Lower Nose Throttle | Full Rudder | Lateral Control
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-7
Throttle | Idle
Rudder | Full Opposite
Elevator | Slightly Forward
Ailerons | Neutral
* Rotation Stops in 1/2-1 Turns
Rudder | Neutral
Elevator | Smooth Level
No full/abrupt elevator control movements
Emergency Procedures, POH 2-8
Airspeed Rec. | 60-70 MPH
No large control movements
No additional Gs
Crosswind Take-Off
Normal Operating Procedures, POH 3-7
Ailerons | Into Wind Elevator | Tail High * Prevent Drifting * Prevent Premature Take-Off
IAS in MPH at max gross weight
Vs | 51 MPH Rotate | 55-60 MPH Vx | 58 MPH Glide | 65 MPH Vy | 69 MPH DMMS | 72 MPH Climb | 75-80 MPH Va | 120 MPH Vno | 120 MPH Vne | 162 MPH
Airplane POH 3-8, Engine POH 3-4
Full Rich Take-off, Max continous, Climb & cruise over 75%
High elevation, Above 5,000 FT
Take-off & Climb -> Adjust for smooth operation
Lean at any altitude below 75% max power
Lean to engine roughness -> Enrich to smooth
Always enrich mixture before increasing power
Descent Cooling
Normal Operating Procedures, POH 3-9
- Maintain CHT in green
- Avoid windmilling
Landing with Gusty Winds
Normal Operating Procedures, POH 3-10
- Increase airspeed by 5 MPH
- Wheel landing
Landing on Soft Fields
Normal Operating Procedures, POH 3-8
Three Point Landing
Max Take-off Weight
Operating Limitations, POH 1-3
1650 LBS
Fuel Capacity
Aircraft and Systems Description, POH 6-2, Servicing, POH 7-2
Max | 36 GAL / 18 GAL Each Usable | 35 GAL / 17.5 GAL Each
Oil Capacity
Aircraft and Systems Description, POH 6-2
Engine Oil System
Aircraft and Systems Description, POH 6-5
Oil Pressure and Temperature
* Controlled by engine driven pump
* Gauges with direct reading (no electrical)
Electrical System
Aircraft and Systems Description, POH 6-8
- 12V system
- 60A engine driven alternator
- 14+/-.5V by regulator
- Battery discharge at low RPM
- Cycle master to reset overvoltage relay
Fuel System
Aircraft and Systems Description, POH 6-10
- Correct fuel indication in level flight
- Non-vented caps
- Unsecured caps -> fuel leak
Take-Off Performance
CAA Sup. 1, Page 5
- Reduce 5% for each 5 KTS headwind
- Increase 12% for each 2 KTS tailwind
(max 5 KTS tailwind) - Increase ground roll 15% on grass
Landing Performance
CAA Sup. 1, Page 5
- Reduce 5% for each 5 KTS headwind
- Increase 12% for each 2 KTS tailwind
(max 5 KTS tailwind) - Increase ground roll 30% on grass
Carburetor Heat
Engine POH 3-5
Take-Off Carb Heat Off (carb. ice very remote at wide open throttle)
Climb Throttle 80% or above, Carb Heat Off.
If Carb Heat On -> Over-Rich -> Lean to smooth op.
Cruise Carb Heat On when dump, cloudy, foggy or hazy regardless of OAT
Landing Carb Head On if icing is suspected
RPM Drop Carb Heat On and Throttle Full