Circulatory And Respiratory System Flashcards
A collection of organs that transport blood throughout the body, the organs in this system include arteries, heart, veins.
Cardiovascular system
The heart, blood and blood vessels make up your
Cardiovascular system
Is the fluid that carries gases, nutrients and wastes throughout the body
By transporting hormones,nutrients, and oxygen to cells and by carrying wastes away from cells.
The maintenance of a constant internal state in a changing environment
The blood maintains homeostasis
Is a group of organs and tissues that collect the fluid that leaks from blood and returns it to the blood
Lymphatic system
The leaked fluid is called
What is part of the body defenses against diseases?
The lymphatic system
A tiny blood vessel that allows an exchange between blood and cells in tissue
A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart to the body’s organs
The clear watery fluid that leaks from blood vessels and contains white blood cells, circulates in lymphatic system, returned to bloodstream through lymph vessels
Small, bean shaped masses of tissue that remove pathogens and dead cells from the lymph, concentrated in the armpits, neck and groin, high concentration of white blood cells found in lymph nodes
Lymph node
In biology, a vessel that carries blood to the heart
A collection of organs whose primary function is to take in —– and expel —————-, the organs of this system include
oxygen Carbon dioxide
Lungs, the throat, and the passways that lead to the lungs
What systems help to maintain homeostasis?
Circulatory and lymphatic system
The term circulatory describes both the
Cardiovascular and lymphatic system
Cardiovascular and lymphatic system work together to
Move fluids around your body and protect it from disease
Your moving blood helps to
Keep all parts of your body WARM
Cardiovascular system and lymphatic system are made up of
Cardiovascular and lymphatic system are part of your
Body’s defense against bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.
Every time your heart pumps, a little —– is forced out of the thin —–of the tiniest blood —— called—— , and the remaining fluid is collected by the —– ———.
Fluid, walls, vessels - CAPILLARIES, LYMPH Capillaries
What absorb particles of dead cells and pathogens from around the body cells?
Lymph capillaries
What carry the fluid, now called lymph to a larger lymph vessels?
Lymph capillaries
When is lymph returned to the cardiovascular system?
When it drains into blood vessels at the base of the neck.
What mature in the lymphatic system?
Certain blood cells, called WHITE blood cells
Some of the white blood cells stay in the ——- ——–, where they
Lymphatic system— where they attack invading pathogens.
Infection-fighting blood cells are called
White blood cells, are found in lymph nodes.
Swollen lymph nodes might be an early clue for
When bacteria or other pathogens cause an infection the number
Of white blood cells may multiply greatly, the lymph nodes fill with white blood cells that are fighting the infection, and become swollen and painful.
Lymph vessels are the thin walled vessels of the lymphatic system. They carry ——– back to the ——– ——–.
From the lymph nodes, the fluid is returned to the ————–
System through the ———– ———. The vessels have ——- inside to stop lymph from flowing backward.
Lymph Lymph nodes Cardiovascular Lymph vessels Valves
Is the soft tissue inside of bones where blood cells are produced.
Bone marrow
Part of your skeletal system, are very important to your
Lymphatic system
Small lymphatic organs at the back of the throat and tongue. Are more visible at the back of the throat.
Defend the body against infection. White blood cells in their tissue trap pathogens. Sometimes they get infected, becoming swollen.
An infection of the tonsils
Is an organ in the chest, some white blood cells made in the bone marrow finish developing here. From this organ the white blood cells travel through the lymphatic system to other areas of the body.
This organ gets smaller as a person gets older.
The thymus is part of the ————- system.
Is the largest lymphatic organ. It stores white blood cells and also allows them to mature. As blood flow through the ——–, white blood cells attack or mark pathogens in the blood. If pathogens cause an infection, the ——–may also release white blood cells into the bloodstream.
What are the parts of the lymphatic system?
Lymph nodes, Lymph vessels, Bone marrow, Tonsils, Thymus, Spleen
What is the circulatory system?
Heart, blood, blood vessels
Is a type of cancer that often begins in a lymph node
It can cause a swelling in the node called a
Different types of lymphoma
Bubonic plague
Is a swelling of body tissues caused by a blockage or injury to lymph vessels. Lymph vessels are unable to drain the lymph from a certain area, and that area becomes swollen.
Is a disease caused by threadlike worms called nematodes. The nematodes may enter lymphatic vessels and block them, preventing lymph from moving around the body
Threadlike worms called
A person gets infected with filariasis worms by
Being bitten by an infected fly. Filariasis is rare in the USA, but is common in developing countries
Is the organ system that carries nutrients, hormones to body cells and waste products to body cells. It Helps keep the different parts of your body at an even temperature. Is made up of heárt, blood vessels and blood
Cardiovascular system
Is the pump that sends blood around the body, it is the size of your ——- and is almost at the center of your ——-. When it’s muscle——–, it squeezes the blood ——- the heart. This squeezing creates a ——— that pushes blood through the body.
Heart Fist Chest Contracts Inside Pressure
Two sides of the heart. Are separated by a ——- wall.
Right side, left side
Thick wall
Pumps oxygen -poor blood to the lungs
The right side of the heart
Pumps oxygen-rich blood to the body.
The Left side of the heart
Each side of the heart has an upper chamber and a lower chamber. Each upper chamber is called ——–
Each lower chamber is called ———-
Atrium (upper chamber)
Ventricle (lower chamber)
Blood enters the ——— and is pumped down to the ———. Flaplike structures called ——— are located between the ———- and the ————-, and in places where large vessels are attached to the heart. As blood moves through the heart, these ——- close to prevent blood from going backward.
Between the atria and ventricle
The lub dub sound of a beating heart is caused by the
Valves closing
receives oxygen rich blood from the lungs
Left atrium
Receives oxygen poor blood from the body
Right atrium
Pumps oxygen poor blood to the lungs
Right ventricle
Pumps oxygen rich blood to the body
Left ventricle
Is a type of connective tissue that is part of the cardiovascular system, it serves as transport system, providing supplies for cells, carrying chemical messages, and removing wastes so cells can maintain homeostasis.
What is blood made out of?
How long does blood travels through your body?
Contains cells, fluid, and other substances.
It travels miles and miles of blood vessels to reach every cell in your body.
Blood travels throughout your body in tubes called
Blood vessels
Types of blood vessels
Artery, capillary, vein
Carry oxygen rich blood away from the heart
Deliver oxygen rich blood to body cells and take oxygen poor blood away from body cells
Carry oxygen poor blood back to the heart
Each heart beat pumps blood into your arteries at high pressure, which is your
Blood pressure
What are arteries made out of?
Have thick walls with a layer of smooth muscle
Blood pressure pushes blood through the arteries. Artery walls are ——— and ——– to withstand the pressure. N——–, ——–and other ———- must leave the body cells and are ——— ———by blood.
And stretch
Nutrients, oxygen and other substances
Carried away
The gas exchange takes place because capillary walls are only
—————. capillaries are so —— that blood cells must pass through them in a ———— ——.
One cell thick,
Single file!
No cell in the body is more than
Three or four cells away from a capillary
Capillaries lead to
Blood in veins is not under as much pressure as blood in
Arteries is.
What keep the blood from flowing backward?
What helps blood move in the veins?
The contraction of skeletal muscles around the veins
What is blood made of?
Plasma, platelets, and red and white blood cells.
An adult human body has about
5 liters of blood. You might have less than that.
The fluid part of the blood is called
Are tiny pieces of larger cells found in bone marrow. These only last for 5 to 10 days, but they have an important role.
Help keep you healthy by fighting pathogens such as bactéria and viruses.
White blood cells
Some white blood cells squeeze out of blood vessels to search for
Other white blood cells form
Pathogens, when they find them they destroy it.
Are chemicals that identify pathogens
White blood cells also keep you healthy by
Destroying body cells that have died or been damaged.
Are disk shaped cells that do not have a nucleus. They bring oxygen to every cell in your body.
Red blood cells
Each red blood cell has
Is an oxygen carrying protein, it clings to the oxygen molecules you inhale.
What does cell need to carry out life functions?
The disk shape of red blood cells helps them squeeze into
How would the body be affected if red blood cells had low levels of hemoglobin?
Cells will have difficulties carrying out life functions
Blood in veins is under less pressure than arterial blood because
Veins have larger internal diameters than arteries do. Veins carry larger volumes of blood more slowly.
The circulation between the heart and the rest of the body is called
Systemic circulation
The flow of blood between the heart and the lungs is called
Pulmonary circulation
blood is pumped to the lungs where carbon dioxide leaves the blood and oxygen enters the blood
In pulmonary circulation
Blood moves around the body
In systemic circulation
Blood moves in two loops or circuits around the body
Pulmonary circulation, and systemic circulation
What are some problems that affect the cardiovascular system?
Smoking, poor diet, stress, physical inactivity, heredity.
Cardiovascular diseases
Atherosclerosis, hipertension, heart attacks.
Is a hardening of artery walls caused by the build up of cholesterol and other lipids. The buildup causes to become narrower and less elastic, blood can’t flow easily. When an artery is blocked, oxygen cannot reach the heart and the person may have a heart attack.
Is abnormally high blood pressure. Atherosclerosis may be the cause in part for it. The higher the blood person the higher the risk for heart attack and strokes there is.
If not treated can also cause kidney damage and shorten life expectancy. Can be controlled with diet and sometimes with medicine
Happens when an artery that supplies blood to the heart becomes clogged and the heart muscle tissue that depends on that’s blood supply does not get oxygen. If enough heart muscle cells get damaged, the heart may stop beating.
Heart attack
Can happen when a blood vessel in the brain becomes blocked or bursts. That part of the brain receives no oxygen. Without oxygen the brain cells die. Brain damage that occurs during a stroke can affect many parts of the body. Can experience paralysis or difficulty in speaking.
The group of organs that takes in oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide
Respiratory system
When a person inhales, air is drawn into the lungs
Takes in oxygen