Circulatory Flashcards
fluid between cells
interstitial fluid
muscular organ that pumps a fluid through a system of tubular vessels
circulatory system in which blood leaves vessels and flows among tissues
open circulatory system
circulatory system in which blood flows through a continuous network of vessels
closed c.s.
smalles-diameter blood vessels
site of exchange of gases and other materials
network of capillaries supplying blood to an organ
capillary bed
one heart 2 chambers one circuit
2 circuit 3 chambers
amphibians and reptiles
wide diameter blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart to organs
smaller arteries
large-diameter vessels that return blood to the heart
circuit through which blood flows from the heart to the lungs and back
Flow is faster than in open systems
•Found in all vertebrates and some invertebrates
Closed C.S.
Heart chamber that receives blood from a vein and pumps it into a ventricle
Heart chamber that pumps blood out of the heart and into an artery
Circuit through which blood flows from the heart to the body tissues and back
Blood vessel that carries blood from an artery to a capillary bed
Small-diameter blood vessel that carries blood from capillaries to a vein
Large-diameter vessel that returns blood to the heart
Large artery that receives blood pumped out of the left ventricle
protects the heart
deliver blood to the right atrium
superior and inferior vena cava
deliver blood to the left atrium
pulmonary veins
prevent blood from moving backwards
Atrioventricular (AV), aortic, and pulmonary valves
Sequence of contraction and relaxation of heart chambers that occurs with each heartbeat
cardiac cycle
Group of heart cells (SA node) that emits rhythmic signals calling for atrial contraction
•Signals AV node to begin ventricular contraction
cardiac pacemaker
Life-saving technique that keeps oxygen flowing to tissues when the heart stops beating; involves mouth-to-mouth respiration, chest compressions
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Device that administers an electric shock to the chest wall to reset the SA node, restart the heart
- Fluid portion of blood, composed of water with dissolved ions and molecules
- Transports gases, nutrients, wastes, signaling molecules, plasma proteins
- Hemoglobin-filled blood cells that transport oxygen and, to a lesser extent, carbon dioxide
- Lack nucleus and organelles, live about 4 months
•Various kinds function in housekeeping (digest debris) and defend against viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens
•Cell fragment that patches tears in blood vessels and initiates blood clotting
•Brief stretching of artery walls that occurs when ventricles contract
- Pressure exerted by blood against the walls of blood vessels
- Highest in arteries, lowest in veins
blood pressure
•Blood pressure when ventricles are contracting
systolic pressure
•Blood pressure when ventricles are contracting
diastolic pressure
Physiological process by which animals obtain oxygen and get rid of waste CO2
•Moist surface across which gases are exchanged between animal cells and the air
respiratory surface
•Gas exchange across the outer body surface
Integumentary exchange
•Folds or body extensions that increase the surface area for respiration
•Branching tubes that deliver air from the body surface to tissues of insects and some other land arthropods with hard exoskeletons
tracheal system
protects the heart
deliver blood to the right atrium
superior and inferior vena cava
deliver blood to the left atrium
pulmonary veins
prevent blood from moving backwards
Atrioventricular (AV), aortic, and pulmonary valves
Sequence of contraction and relaxation of heart chambers that occurs with each heartbeat
cardiac cycle
Group of heart cells (SA node) that emits rhythmic signals calling for atrial contraction
•Signals AV node to begin ventricular contraction
cardiac pacemaker
Life-saving technique that keeps oxygen flowing to tissues when the heart stops beating; involves mouth-to-mouth respiration, chest compressions
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Device that administers an electric shock to the chest wall to reset the SA node, restart the heart
- Fluid portion of blood, composed of water with dissolved ions and molecules
- Transports gases, nutrients, wastes, signaling molecules, plasma proteins
- Hemoglobin-filled blood cells that transport oxygen and, to a lesser extent, carbon dioxide
- Lack nucleus and organelles, live about 4 months
•Various kinds function in housekeeping (digest debris) and defend against viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens
•Cell fragment that patches tears in blood vessels and initiates blood clotting
•Brief stretching of artery walls that occurs when ventricles contract
- Pressure exerted by blood against the walls of blood vessels
- Highest in arteries, lowest in veins
blood pressure
•Blood pressure when ventricles are contracting
systolic pressure
•Blood pressure when ventricles are contracting
diastolic pressure
Physiological process by which animals obtain oxygen and get rid of waste CO2
•Moist surface across which gases are exchanged between animal cells and the air
respiratory surface
•Gas exchange across the outer body surface
Integumentary exchange
•Folds or body extensions that increase the surface area for respiration
•Branching tubes that deliver air from the body surface to tissues of insects and some other land arthropods with hard exoskeletons
tracheal system
protects the heart
deliver blood to the right atrium
superior and inferior vena cava
deliver blood to the left atrium
pulmonary veins
prevent blood from moving backwards
Atrioventricular (AV), aortic, and pulmonary valves
Sequence of contraction and relaxation of heart chambers that occurs with each heartbeat
cardiac cycle
Group of heart cells (SA node) that emits rhythmic signals calling for atrial contraction
•Signals AV node to begin ventricular contraction
cardiac pacemaker
Life-saving technique that keeps oxygen flowing to tissues when the heart stops beating; involves mouth-to-mouth respiration, chest compressions
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Device that administers an electric shock to the chest wall to reset the SA node, restart the heart
- Fluid portion of blood, composed of water with dissolved ions and molecules
- Transports gases, nutrients, wastes, signaling molecules, plasma proteins
- Hemoglobin-filled blood cells that transport oxygen and, to a lesser extent, carbon dioxide
- Lack nucleus and organelles, live about 4 months
•Various kinds function in housekeeping (digest debris) and defend against viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens
•Cell fragment that patches tears in blood vessels and initiates blood clotting
•Brief stretching of artery walls that occurs when ventricles contract
- Pressure exerted by blood against the walls of blood vessels
- Highest in arteries, lowest in veins
blood pressure
•Blood pressure when ventricles are contracting
systolic pressure
•Blood pressure when ventricles are contracting
diastolic pressure
Physiological process by which animals obtain oxygen and get rid of waste CO2
•Moist surface across which gases are exchanged between animal cells and the air
respiratory surface
•Gas exchange across the outer body surface
Integumentary exchange
•Folds or body extensions that increase the surface area for respiration
•Branching tubes that deliver air from the body surface to tissues of insects and some other land arthropods with hard exoskeletons
tracheal system
Internal saclike organs; serve as the respiratory surface in most land vertebrates and some fish
•Throat; opens to airways and digestive tract
Short airway containing vocal cords (voice box); contraction of vocal cords changes the size of the glottis
Opening formed when the vocal cords relax
- Tissue flap at the entrance to the larynx
* Folds down to prevent food from entering the trachea when you swallow
- Major airway leading to the lungs; windpipe
* Branches into two bronchi, each leading to a lung
•Airway connecting the trachea to a lung
bronchus or bronchi
•Small airway leading from bronchus to alveoli
- Tiny, thin-walled air sacs
* Site of gas exchange in the lung
Dome-shaped muscle at base of thoracic cavity that alters thoracic cavity size during breathing
•Muscles between the ribs; help alter the size of the thoracic cavity during breathing
intercostal muscles
- One inhalation and one exhalation
- Inhalation is always active (requires energy)
- Exhalation is usually passive
respiratory cycle
- Red blood cells are impaired or fewer than normal
- Decreases oxygen delivery to cells
- Caused by sickle cell anemia, malaria, lack of iron
Cancer that increases white blood cell numbers
•Impairs normal blood functions
a clot that forms in a vessel and remains there
a clot that forms in a blood vessel, then breaks loose
- Artery interior narrows because of lipid deposition and inflammation
- LDLs deposit cholesterol; HDLs remove it
Chronically high blood pressure (above 140/90)
•Heart cells die because of impaired blood flow through coronary arteries
heart attack
•Brain cells die because a clot or vessel rupture disrupts blood flow within the brain
Gas exchange across the outer body surface
Integumentary exchange