Circulation and respiration - Part 2 - 1 Flashcards
Other than at the gill lamellae, where else does gas exchange occur?
Swim bladder
What type of fish would be typical of using the swim bladder for breathing?
Physostomous fishes
What is an issue with respiration for lungfish?
Blood flow is unidirectional. If lungs are added to the circulation, oxygenated blood will return to the heart from the lungs and deoxygenated blood will come back from the body, potential for mixing.
How do lungfish get around the blood mixing problem?
In lungfish, starting to see a division, not a full one however.
Small division of the ventriclees which functions to keep the two flows separate.
How does oxygen from the skin get to the heart?
Separate side shoot for circulation to the skin. (separate circulatory shunt)
Some of the deoxygenated blood can bypass the gills to the skin to pick up oxygen.
What fish uses the skin a lot for respiration?
Freshwater eels
What is aerial respiration?
Bringing air into contact with a highly vascularized surface to allow gas diffusion.
Describe how some fish can gulp air to breathe.
A number of species gulp air.
Go to surface, gulp air and hold it at a bubble against some part of the mouth of gill chamber that has lots of blood flow.
Describe how carps can gulp air.
Carps have a modified palate (roof of mouth) with lots of blood vessels.
Take mouthful of air and hold it in.
Describe how some pet store fish can breathe from a bubble of air.
Have special chambers within the gill area (branchial chamber). Can hold a physical bubble of air and directly respire from it.
How do snakehead breathe air?
Have highly vascularized mouth and throat.
Throat has modified pockets to hold air with good blood flow.
Keeps air bubbles until they diffuse all the oxygen out of it.
How much oxygen a fish needs will vary by ______.
Describe the three ways in which oxygen consumption will vary with stream velocity/change in activity.
1 - Most pelagic fishes (ex: trout)
- as water flow increases, oxygen consumption increases
- relatively direct relation between stream velocity and oxygen consumption
2 - Sculpin (benthic fish)
- unaffected by stream and oxygen consumption, just sits on the bottom
3 - Daces
- for a while, all gucci then, consumption shoots up
Describe the behaviours for oxygen consumption with increasing stream velocity for gobbies and daces.
Gobies will stick to the bottom and can live in faster flows without worrying or breathing more.
Daces will try to hide to the bottom but, as flow increases, they get dislodged and have to swim
How can oxygen consumption by activity be measured?
Describe a respirometer.
Tube of different sizes that you place a fish in.
Induce flow and measure oxygen in and oxygen out.
Can play with temperature, pH and other gases