Circulatory systems main function?
Transport oxygen
How many types of circulatory systems do MAMMALS have?
What type of circulation system would a fish have?
Single circulatory system
What type of circulation system would a MAMMAL have?
Double circulatory system
Double circulatory system
Blood passes through heart X2 in a complete circuit of the body
Describe the double circulatory system with arrows
BLOOD —-)(pumped from) HEART —) GAS EXCHANGE ORGAN—) (back into heart) —-) REST OF THE BODY
Single circulatory system
Blood passes through heart X1 in a complete circuit of the body
Describe the single circulatory system with arrows
Blood —) pumped from heart —-) gas exchange organ —) DIRECTLY TO REST OF THE BODY
Difference between single and double circulation?
There is 2 parts to double circulation
Name the 2 parts to the double circulation
Pulmonary/ systemic circulation
The systemic circuit
Transports oxygenated blood around all the other organs to deliver oxygen to the body cells. (then de02 blood taken back into the heart/
The pulmonary circuit
Transports blood —-) lungs (blood OXYG there ) —) carried back to heart
What circulation (double/single) is more efficient?
DOUBLE= More efficient///Heart pumps blood X2= ⇞ pressures can be maintained (blood –) goes to organs QUICKER
Why is single circulation less effective than double circ?
Blood looses pressure and travels relatively slower to other organs
Transport medium
A pump
Cardiac output?
Total volume of blood pumped BY A VENTRIVCLE every minute
How can u calculate cardiac output?
Stoke volume (X) heart rate
Triangle of cardiac output?
Heart rate
Number of BPM
Stoke volume
Volume of blood pumped by ONE VENTRICLE with each contraction
What is the heart rate of a person with an average stoke volume of 72 cm^3 and a cardiac output of 5420cm^3 min^-1?
75 bpm