Cicero Flashcards
Which speech of Cicero, delivered in 63 B.C., was against Cataline?
In Catalinam
What speech did Cicero give in 81 BC?
Pro Quinctio
Which speech of Cicero, given in 62 B.C., defended the citizenship of a Greek poet?
Pro Archia Poeta
don’t put it on blue unless you knew the year!
What speech did Cicero give in 70 B.C.?
In Verrem
What speech did Cicero give in 80 B.C.?
Pro Roscio Amerino
Which speech of Cicero, given in 56 B.C., defended a man against charges of poisoning brought forth by Clodia?
Pro Caelio
What speech did Cicero give in 52 B.C.?
Pro Milone
What speech did Cicero deliver in 44 and 43 B.C.?
What speech did Cicero give in 77 B.C.?
Pro Roscio Comoedio
What speech did Cicero give in 72 B.C.?
Pro Tullio
Which speech of Cicero, delivered in 66 B.C., defended a man on the charges of poisoning Oppianicus?
Pro Cluentio
Which speech of Cicero, delivered in 66 B.C., was his first purely political speech?
Pro Lege Manilia
Which speech of Cicero, delivered in 63 B.C., combated an agrarian proposal designed to give ability to maneuver around Pompey?
De Lege Agraria
Which speech of Cicero, delivered in 63 B.C., defended an old knight on charges of killing Saturninus?
Pro Rabirio Perduellionis Reo
Which speech of Cicero, delivered in 63 B.C., was given in the interim of the first and second Catalinarians?
Pro Murena
Which speech of Cicero, delivered in 62 B.C., defended a man accused of involvement in the Catalinarian conspiracy?
Pro Sulla
What speech of Cicero was given in 59 B.C.?
Pro Flacco
Which speech of Cicero, delivered in 56 B.C., was against a creature of Caesar who was a witness against Sestio?
In Vatinium
Which speech of Cicero, delivered in 56 B.C., rejects Clodius’s claim that the suspicious noises around Rome were due to his house being rebuilt?
De Hauruspicium Responso
What speech of Cicero was given in 57 B.C.?
De Domo Sua
How many In Catalinams are there?
Which speech of Cicero, delivered in 56 B.C., defended a man against a charge of vis brought by Clodius?
Pro Sestio
Which speech of Cicero, given in 56 B.C., was he forced to give up his efforts against Caesar and favor his command in Gaul?
De Provinciis Consularibus
Which speech of Cicero, given in 56 B.C., defended the citizenship of a friend of Caesar and Pompey?
Pro Balbo
What speech was given by Cicero in 55 B.C.?
In Pisonem
Which speech of Cicero, delivered in 54 B.C., defended the governor of Tessalonica on charges of electoral corruption?
Pro Planco
Which speech of Cicero, given in 54 B.C., defended a partisan of Caesar against charges of extortion?
Pro Rabirio Postumo
Which speech of Cicero, given in 45 B.C., defended an enemy of Caesar and asked to have him acquitted?
Pro Ligario
Which speech of Cicero was given in 46 B.C.?
Pro Marcello
Which speech of Cicero, given in 45 B.C., defended the tetrarch of Galatia on a charge of trying to murder Caesar?
Pro Rege Deiotaro
What was Cicero’s first extant speech?
Pro Quinctio
What was Cicero’s first criminal defense speech?
Pro Roscio Amerino
Who hired Cicero to prosecute Verres and for what was he prosecuted?
the Sicilians, and extortion
What was the result of the first In Verrem?
it forced Verres to abandon his case and go into exile at Massilia
Where did Cicero deliver the first In Catalinam?
the temple of Jupiter Stator
Which speech contains an eloquent panegyric of literature?
Pro Archia Poeta
Which speech of Cicero, delivered in 54 B.C., defended Marcus Aemilius Scaurus against charges of extortion?
Pro Aemilio Scauro
In which speech of Cicero did he fail to successfully defend his client?
Pro Milone
Who was Cicero defending in the Pro Milone and what was he charged with?
Titus Annius Milo Pappianus on the charge of murdering Clodius Pulcher on the Via Appia
To where was Milo exiled?
How many speeches were in the Philippics?
14 speeches
What speeches were the Philippics based on?
the speeches of Demosthenes against Philip II of Macedon
When did Cicero deliver the first In Catalinam?
November 8
When and where did Cicero deliver his first Philippic?
September 2, 44 B.C., in the senate
What was the last Philippic about?
it was a celebration of Antony’s defeat at Mutina
Who did Cicero defend in his Pro Roscio Comoedio and on what charge?
he defended Roscius against the murder of the slave Panurgus
The Pro Tullio was written on behalf of Marcus Tullius, who was involved in what dispute?
a dispute over property with his neighbor
What was another name for the Pro Lege Manilia?
De Imperio Gnaei Pompeii
In which speech did Cicero abdicate for Pompey’s power against Mithridates?
the Pro Lege Manilia
What was another name for the De Lege Agraria?
Contra Rullum
Who did Cicero defend in the Pro Murena and against what charges?
Lucius Murena against charges of bribery instigated by Cato Minor
What work of Cicero was replaced by his later De Oratore?
De Inventione (both were written in 54 B.C.)
In which speech did Cicero ask the College of Pontiffs to annul the consecration of his home site?
De Domo Sua
Which treatise on rhetoric was written as a discussion between Marcus Antonius and Lucius Licinius Crassus?
De Oratore
When and where does the De Oratore take place?
91 B.C. and in the Tuscan villa of Crassus
How many books are in De Oratore?
Which rhetorical work did Cicero write for his son Marcius?
Partitiones Oratoriae
What work of Cicero serves as a preface to the lost translations of Aeschines and Demothenes?
De Optimo Genere Oratorum
Against what charges did Cicero defend Flaccus in the Pro Flacco?
against charges of extortion
What work of Cicero is a record of a conversation between himself, Marcus Junius Brutus, and Atticus about orators and eloquence?
Brutus (or De Claris Oratoribus)
In which work does Cicero say an orator must be the master of three styles: plain, grand, and intermediate?
To whom does Cicero address his Orator?
Marcus Brutus
On whose work does Cicero base his Topica?
Which work of Cicero is a discussion of political science between Scipio Aemilianus and Laelius?
De Re Publica
Which work did Cicero begin in 54 B.C. and publish in 51 B.C.?
De Re Publica
Which work is De Re Publica modeled on?
Plato’s Republic
How many books are in the De Re Publica?
Which work of Cicero contains the Somnium Scipionis?
De Re Publica
Which work of Cicero serves as a sequel to De Re Publica?
De Legibus
How many books are in Cicero’s De Legibus?
5 books
Who are the main interlocutors in Cicero’s De Legibus?
Cicero, his brother Quintus, and Atticus
Where does Cicero’s De Re Publica take place?
the villa of Scipio Aemilianus in 129 B.C.
Where does Cicero’s De Legibus take place?
Cicero’s estate at Arpinum
Which of Cicero’s philosophical works writes about the support of a principle in stoic thought?
Paradoxa Stoicorum
To whom is Paradoxa Stoicorum dedicated and when was it written?
Brutus, 46 B.C.
Which work of Cicero, published in 45 B.C., was a dialogue on the philosophical theories of knowledge?
How many books are in Cicero’s Academia and what are they called?
2 books, Catulus and Lucullus (named after the chief interlocutors)
To whom is the revised Academia dedicated?
Which work of Cicero criticizes the ethical system of Epicurean and Stoic schools?
De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum
Who are the representers of the three philosophies in Cicero’s De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum?
Torquatus (Epicurean), Cato of Utica (Stoic), and Calpurnius (Old Academy)
How many books are in Cicero’s De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum?
5 books
Which book of Cicero’s takes the form of conversations between characters M and A?
Tusculanae Disputationes
Which work of Cicero, published in 45 B.C., is a treatise on the conditions of happiness in 5 books?
Tusculanae Disputationes
How many books are in Cicero’s Tusculanae Disputationes and to whom are they addressed?
5 books, Brutus
Which work of Cicero, written in 45 B.C., was a philosophical dialogue about the three Greek schools of thought?
De Natura Deorum
How many books are in Cicero’s De Natura Deorum?
3 books
Who are the chief interlocutors in Cicero’s De Natura Deorum?
Vellius (Epicurean), Balbus (Stoic), and Cotta (Academic)
Which work of Cicero is set in Rome in 76 B.C.?
De Natura Deorum
Which works of Cicero are sequels to De Natura Deorum?
De Divinatione and De Fato
Which work of Cicero is a conversation between him and his brother in a villa in which Cicero refutes Quintus’s belief in fortune telling written in 44 B.C.?
De Divinatione
Which work of Cicero, written in 44 B.C., was a treatise about the affect of fate on our decisions?
De Fato
Who requested Cicero’s De Fato?
Which work of Cicero, written in 44 B.C., portrays Cato the Elder telling Scipio Aemilianus and Laelius about old age?
Cato Maior De Senectute
To whom does Cicero dedicate his Cato Maior De Senectute?
Which work of Cicero is a discussion of the nature of friendship between Laelius and Scipio Aemilianus’s two sons-in-law?
De Amicitia (or Laelius)
What is Cicero’s last work?
De Officiis
What form does De Officiis take?
a three book letter sent to his son Marcus (who was studying philosophy in Athens at the time)
On whose teachings are the books of Cicero’s De Officiis based?
books 1 and 2: Panaetius
book 3: Posidonius
Which work of Cicero, written in 60 B.C., celebrates in victory over Cataline and is highly criticized?
De Consulatu Suo
In which work is a large section of De Consulatu Suo preserved, and how many books of De Consulatu Suo were there originally?
De Divinatione, 3 books
What was Cicero’s most successful poetic work?
Aratea, a translation of Aratus’s Phaenomena
What work of Cicero, written in 45 B.C., was about the deaths of great men and his daughter Tullia?