Church History - Complete Flashcards
What is the value of studying Church History
- It educates us on the historical roots of our beliefs
- It teaches us to learn from the examples of our predecessors
- It helps us to find our place in God’s story
- It helps us to understand the boundaries of orthodoxy in biblical interpretation
How would you define the periods of church history, with years?
- Ancient Church History (c. 100-451)
- Medieval Church History (c. 451-1500)
- Reformation (1500-1700)
- Modern Church History (1700-Present)
What were the 5 “solas” of the Reformation?
Sola Scriptura, Sola fide, sola gratia, solus Christus, soli deo gloria
Trace the development of Covenant Theology
-Ancient theologians prior to Pelagius controversy did not have well developed doctrine of salvation.
Irenaeus saw humanity federally & covenantally represented in Adam.
Augustine developed idea of covenant of works and cov of grace.
Medieval - mostly saw God’s justification as based on what was true in the sinner - if he justifies it’s b/c he infuses them with righteousness.
William of Ockham - merit based on fulfilling the covenant. God rewards with merit sinners who try their best to fulfill terms of covenant
-Covenant theology as we know it today began in the 16th century with Zwingli, who emphasized the Abrahamic covenant as a model for the Christian’s relationship to God (Zwingli used this to argue for infant baptism against the Anabaptists)
-Bullinger wrote the first treatise on covenant theology, in which he argued that all of Scripture must be seen in light of the Abrahamic covenant
-Calvin also makes extensive use of the covenant, and two of his students made significant advances in covenant theology
–Ursinus first spoke of a pre-fall covenant of works, and Olevianus presented the idea of an eternal covenant between the Father and the Son for the salvation of man
-In the 17th century, Cocceius was the first to use the covenant as the basic framework for organizing theology
-The covenant of works and grace achieved credal status in the Westminster Standards
-During the 20th century, largely due to the work of Meredith Kline, scholars came to view the biblical covenants through the framework of the ancient Near Eastern Suzerain vassal treaty
When was the persecution under Nero
When was the persectuion under Decius?
249-251 (First systematic general persecution)
When was the persecution under Diocleatian?
303 (the Great Persecution)
When was the destruction of the Jewish Temple
What was the Edict of Milan
313 (legalized Christianity)
When did Christianity become the official religion of the Roman Empire
380 (Theodosian Empire)
Give me a list of the first 6 councils of the church with dates.
First Council of Nicaea (325)
First Council of Constantinople (381)
First Council of Ephesus (431)
Council of Chalcedon (451)
Second Council of Constantinople (553)
Third Council of Constantinople (680–681)
Second Council of Nicaea (787)
When was the council of Nicea and what occured there?
- 325, convened by Constantine
- Condemned Arianism (teaching that the Son was 1st creation of God the Father) and composed the Nicene Creed
- Uses the language of “homoousios” - of one being - Son is true God from True God, begotten not made, of one being with the father.
Council of Ephesus
431, convened by Emperor Theodosius II
- Condemned Nestorianism, which said that the divine and human natures of Jesus were two separate persons
- Condemned Pelagianism, which emphasized free will, denied original sin, and taught salvation by meritorious obedience
Council of Chalcedon
451, convened by Eastern Emperor Marcion
- Condemned Eutychianism (which taught that the human nature was absorbed into the divine in the incarnation)
- Composed the Chalcedonian creed, which clearly taught the hypostatic union (Christ has a reasonable soul, no confusion, change, division, or separation in the union of Christ’s two natures
- One substance with God and with us
Denies the need to obey God’s law. Was a popular component of Gnosticism and has persisted in various forms through the centuries.
Heresy of the early church that denied Jesus had come in the flesh, saying that Jesus only seemed to be man. John combats it in 1 John 4:2, and became an important aspect of Gnosticism
Jewish Christians in the 1st-4th Centuries who denied the preexistence of Christ and believed the entire OT law had to be kept for salvation.
2nd Century heresy that taught a strong distinction between the vengeful God of the OT and the merciful God of the NT, and accepted only Paul’s Epistles and Luke from the NT. Aspects similar to Gnosticism
A group of primarily 2nd century heresies that taught a radical dualism between matter and spirit, proclaimed salvation through special knowledge, and a docetic view of Christ
- Most famous Gnostic was Valentinus
- Writings: Gospel of Thomas, Philip, Truth, Judas
- Major opponents: Irenaeus, Tertullian, and Epiphanius
Donatism **
4th Century North African movement that started a separate church, emphasizing holiness and purity of visible church.
- Augustine was primary opponent
- Started when the confessors wouldn’t let the lapsed back into the church.
- Donatism was the error taught by Donatus, bishop of Casae Nigrae that the effectiveness of the sacraments depends on the moral character of the minister. In other words, if a minister who was involved in a serious enough sin were to baptize a person, that baptism would be considered invalid.
3rd century form of Gnosticism founded by Mani, teaching a dualism between light and dark. Augustine was part of it for a while, though he later opposed it strongly.
3rd Century heresy that stresses the oneness of God to such an extent that it denies the personal distinctivenes of Son and Spirit.
Dynamic Monarchianism
says that the Father alone is God, and the SOn was merely a man who was specially endowed with the Holy Spirit.
God is one person who appears in 3 different modes.
The Great Schism
East/West division of the church in 1054
-Intellectual alienation: Greek-speaking East and Latin-speaking West came at theology differently
-Papal Authority: West asserted Pope’s authority over the entire church, but East rejected it
-Filioque Controversy: West added “filioque” to the Nicene creed, saying that the Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son
16th and 17th Century movement to reform the Church in response to theological and moral decay
-Stressed salvation by grace through faith alone, authority of Scripture, and priesthood of believers
Marburg Colloquy
Meeting between Luther and Zwingli in 1529 to resolve their differences regarding the Lord’s Supper which was unsuccessful.
16th Century reform of the Catholic Church and counter offensive against the Reformation
Council of Trent
1545-1563, laid the groundwork for modern Catholicism
- Centered authority in the Papacy
- Corrected abuses in the church
- Fixed Catholic doctrine in opposition to Protestantism
- -Scripture and tradition are equal authorities
- -Justification by grace + works
Educators and missionaries who were largely responsible for the Catholic church takin gback much of the ground it lost to the Protestants (society of Jesus, founded by Ignatius of Loyola) 1534
Catholic church’s systematic fight against heretics through trial and punishment. (italy and Spain primarily) 1250
Spanish - 1478
Roman - 1542
Thirty Years War
1618-1648 war, fought primarily in Germany, which involved most of the countries of Europe. Initial cause of the conflict was the divided allegiance to Catholicism vs. Protestantism in various German territories.
- Peace of Augsburg had said that a territory’s religion would be chosen by ruler. This caused many problems.
- Result: War was a stalemate, freedom granted to be Catholics or Protestants, but brought growing indifference to religion leading to the Enlighenment
Heidelberg Catechism
16th Century catechism composed in Heidelberg, Germany that teaches doctrines of Reformation
-Commissioned by Prince Fredrick III
-Primary authors were Olevianus and Ursinus
Belgic Confession
16th Century Reformed confession written in the Netherlands
-In light of Catholic persecution, sought to show that the Reformed were not rebels but held to Scripture
From CRC: The Belgic Confession, written in 1561, owes its origin to the need for a clear and comprehensive statement of Reformed faith during the time of the Spanish inquisition in the Lowlands. Guido de Brès, its primary author, was pleading for understanding and toleration from King Philip II of Spain who was determined to root out all Protestant factions in his jurisdiction. Hence, this confession takes pains to point out the continuity of Reformed belief with that of the ancient Christian creeds, as well as to differentiate it from Catholic belief (on the one hand), and from Anabaptist teachings (on the other).
2nd Helvetic Confession
16th Century confessional statement of Swiss Reformed Church written by Bullinger, that presents Calvinism as historical Christianity.
Canons of Dort
17th Century (1618-1619) document, composed by Synod of Dort in the Netherlands, which presents the 5 points of Calvinism in response to the Remonstrants
Westminster Assembly
1643-1647: Primarily composed of Puritans called by Long Parliament to advise on reforming the Church of England along Puritan and Presbyterian lines.
Westminster Confession of Faith 1646- approv 1648
Westminster Larger Catechism 1648
westminster Shorter Catechism 1647
Directory of church government 1645.
17 Century response to dead orthodoxy in German Lutheranism. Emphasized experimentalism in the Bible, holiness and church reform
- Zenzendorf and Philip Jacob Spenser were major leaders.
Marrow Controversy
1717-1722 Century controversy in the church of Scotland over the relationship between law and gospel in the conversion process.
Marrow men - grace freely offered to all
Neonomians - grace offered to elect only who show signs of forsaking sin
First Great Awakening
Movement of revival in American from 1735 - 1743 through the Calvinistic preaching of Edwards and Whitfield.
Writers in the 2nd and 3rd Centuries whose work primarily answers the accusations of non-Christians. Includes Justin Martyr and Tatian
2nd century movement that emphasized continuing revelation and asceticism. Tertullian became an adherent late in life.
Prophets Priscilla and Maximila.
Alexandrian School
Allegorical school of interpretation in ancient church (Clement of Alexandria and Origen)
Antionchene School
More literal school of interpretation (Chrysostom)
Cappadocian Fathers
4th Century men who are especially known for their opposition to Arianism and their theology of the Holy Spirit (Basil the Great, Gregory of Nazianzus, Gregory of Nyssa)
Movement that became popular after Constantine in which people withdrew from society into communities that stressed prayer, work, study, charity, and asceticism
- Life of St. Anthony by Athanasius
- Pattern from Benedict
- Important orders: Benedictine, Franciscan, Dominican, Augustinian
Medieval theological movement that used Aristotelian logic to create a theological system and embraced reason as a path to knowledge
- Famous scholastics: Peter Abelard, Peter Lombard, Thomas Aquinas
- Embraced reason as path to knowledge
- Explored relationship between Scripture and non-Christian theology, especially Aristotle
- Used dialectical method of writing, teaching, and organizing thoughts
Movement in the Renaissance and early reformation that said man was the measure of all things, encouraging a return to original sources
Radical Reformation
Movement that arose during the Reformation that wanted complete separation of church and state and experience of regeneration over forensic justification, rejected infant baptism.
Augsburg Confession
Primary confession of Lutheran faith written by Philip Melancthon and presented to Emperor Charles the V
Part of Book of Concord - Doctrinal Standard of Lutheran church
Movement that sought to purify the Church of England in 17th century, especially reacting to the form of Anglican worship (John Owen, Richard Baxter)
Heresy of the 16-18th Centuries created by Socinius, which rejected the diety of Christ, his atoning death on the cross and the foreknowledge of God
-Forerunner of modern Unitarianism and Open Theism.
19-20th Century movement centering on adapting Christian ideas to better cohere with modern culture and thought, which emphasizes reason over Scritpure as the ultimate source of knowledge
Apostolic Fathers
Writers of the 1st and 2nd Centuries who are traditionally thought to have come in contact with the apostles (Clement of Rome, Ignatius, Polycarp)
Clement of Rome
1-2nd Century bishop of Rome who wrote a letter to Corinth regarding their improper dismissal of church leaders; and is mentioned in Philippians
2nd century bishop of Antioch who wrote a series of letters to churches in Asia Minor and his way to Rome for martrydom
2nd century bishop of Smyrna, disciple of John, early Christian martyr, wrote an epistle to the Philippians
2nd century heretic who distinguished between the OT and NT gods, rejected OT and issued his own limited version of NT
Justin Martyr
2nd century apolgist who wrote 2 apologies and “Dialogue with Trypho.” He defended the Christian Faith in terms that were acceptable to Greek philosophy by synthesiszing with Platonism
2nd century bishop of Lyons wrote “Against Heresies” directed at Gnosticism
2nd-3rd Century theologian, wrote “Apology” and “against Marciaon”, wrote about the Trinity, later became a Montanist
Clement of Alexandria
2nd-3rd century theologian wrote “Stromateis”, was a platonist.
3rd century bishop of Carthage, wrote “The Unity fo the Church,” high view of the church, taught that baptism can only be performed by the one Catholic church (“outside the church there is no ordinary possibility of salvation”)
3rd Century alexandrian theologian who was a pioneer in allegorical interpretation, and wrote the apology “Against Celsus”, the first systematic theology “First Principles”, and the Hexapla.
3rd-4th century bishop of Caesarea who wrote the first church history
4th Century theologian who opposed Arianism. Wrote “On the Incarnation” and “Life of Anthony”
4th Century Emperor who legalized Christiniaty and called the council of Nicea
4th century bishop of Salamis, wrote “Panarion” against all heresies known up to his day
4th-5th century bishop of Constantinople known for his preaching, exiled for opposing imperial and church politics
4th-5th century theologian best known for translating the Bible into Latin, the “Vulgate”
4th-5th century heretic who emphasized human free will and moral responsibility, denied original sin, and taught salvation through meritorious obedience. His chief opponent and critic was Augustine.
4th-5th century Bishop of Hippo, who was one of the most influential theologians in the history of the church. Wrote many works including “Confessions” and “City of God”
Gregory the Great
6th-7th century Pope whose reign inaugurated the middle ages and who greatly increased the power of the papacy. Wrote “Pastoral Rule”
John Wycliffe
14th century British theologian known as the morning star of the Reformation. Taught at Oxford, opposed transubstantiation, translated the Bible into English, and opposed papal authority
John Hus
14th-15th century Bohemian theologian who attacked clerical abuses and papal authority, emphasizing the priesthood of all believers and the authority of Scripture. He was burned at the stake.
Desiderius Erasmus
Leading Humanist of the 16th Century who wanted to reform the church through scholarship. He produced a new latin translation of the NT, wrote Diatribe on Free Will as a polemic against Luther’s theology.
Martin Luther
16th century German theologian whose work was the primary catalyst for the Reformation. He recovered the doctrines of justification by faith, the ultimate authority of Scripture, and the priesthood of all believers. 95 Theses nailed to the door of Wittenburg - 1517
Philip Melanchthon
16 century associate of Luther who systematized Luther’s work in the Augsburg confession and “Loci Communes”
Ulrich Zwingli
16th Century Swiss Reformer who disputed with the Anabaptists and taught the memorial view of the Lord’s Supper.
John Calvin
16th century Reformer who was born in France and ministered in Geneva. Founder of modern Reformed theology, and author of “Institutes of the Christian Religion”
John Knox
16th Century Scottish Reformer, who led the reformation of the Scottish church and was heavily influetntial in the development of Presbyterian Worship and doctrine. Wrote “The Scots Confession” and the “The Book of Discipline.”
Group of Scots who signed the 17th century National Covenant, protesting the English monarchy’s imposition of Episcopal church government and the Book of Common Prayer upon Scotland
17the Century Dutch theologian who founded Arminianism. - Denies original sin man - Jesus makes possible the salvation of all.
Amyraut and the School of Sumur
17th century Reformed theologian and school that attempted to synthesize the Calvinist view of divine election with the Arminian view of unlimited atonement
Richard Baxter
17th Century Puritan and author of “The Reformed Pastor”
Synod of Orange
529 Affirmed salvation by grace against semi-Pelagianism
Act of Superemacy
Separated Church of England from Rome - 1534
Who was the first Presbyterian minister in the US
Francis Makemie, who immigrated to the US in 1682
When and where was the first American Presbytery formed?
1706, in Philadelphia (by Francis Makemie)
When was the first American Synod formed and who formed it?
1716, formed by the Presbytery of Philadelphia
1729, the Synod of Philadelphia adopted the Westminster Standards and mandated that all ministers adhere to them
What is the Old SIde/New Side****
Was the first great schism in American Presbyterianism and took place May 27, 1741 during the 1st great awakening. The division centered over itinerant revivalist preachers who would travel outside of their own parish and presbytery to hold meetings , without getting permission from the pastors in that area. Old side being anti-revivalist New side being pro-revivalist. There was also issue of education, Old siders were strict-subscriptionists and wanted only immigrants ordained who were educated in England or at harvard or yale. While New Siders were beginning their own educational institutions such as the Log College.
When was the first GA
When was the first BCO published
1788, restructuring the church from one synod into 16 presbyteries, 3 synods and the general assembly.
- This was largely led by John Witherspoon, president of Princeton and signer of the Declaration of Independence.
What was the plan of Union
It ended by 1852 north and 1837 Southern. It was a plan to unite the Presbyterian and Congregational denominations in evangelizing the Old Nortwest - Failed
Old School/New School Division****
19th century debate precipitated by the 2nd Great Awakening, which resulted in the Presbyterian church splitting into 2 denominations
-Issues were doctrine (old school was Calvinistic, and new school was more Arminian), subscription to the standards (old school was strict subscriptionism, and the new school was system subscriptionism), church polity (old school focused on denominational identity, and the new school was on interdenominational consciousness), revivalism (old school focused on conversion by the Spirit, while the New school focused on the use of means for conversion), and social reform (old school often supported slavery, and the new school supported abolition)
What was division and Reunion?
- Old and new schools each split over the issues of slavery and states’ rights.
- Old and New school churches in North united to form the PCUSA, and in the south they formed the PCCSA, which would later become the PCUS.
- -The New school in 1856 declared slavery a sin deserving of discipline, and in the following year the southern churches formed the United Synod of the south, breaking from the Northern churches
- -The Old school in 1861 said churches must support the federal government, putting southern churches in an awkward spot, leadin gthem to form the Presbyterian Church of the Confederate States of America (PCCSA)
- -In the South, Old and New School churches reunited in 1864 to from a single denomination. Became the PCUS
- -In the North, Old and New School churches reunited in 1868 to form a single denomination: PCUSA
Southern Presbyterian Theologians of the 19th Century
James Henly Thornwell
Robert Lewis Dabney
Benjamin Morgan Palmer,
John L Girardeau
James Henley Thornwell
Most important churchman of the 19th century South. He debated many issues with Charles Hodge. A leading voice in the Old School South and the PCCSA.
Robert Lewis Dabney
Professor at Union Seminary (VA) who defended slavery and was largely responsible for the union of the Old and New school churhces in the South
Benjamin Morgan Palmer
Moderator of the first GA of the PCCSA
John L Girardeau
Professor at Columbia Seminary who trained black church leaders and wrote against using instruments in worship
Fellowship of St. James
A group of ministers and seminary professors who created a secret organization for the purpose of getting men with liberal views into the bible colleges, seminaries, and principle pulpits of the denomination. By the 1960s, they controlled most of the seminaries, colleges, and most influential churches, as well as the most important influential churches, committees, synods, and GA of the PCUS
4 Organizations were part of the Continuing Church movement to counteract liberalism in the PCUS
- Presbyterian Journal: vehicle for expressing the opinions of conservatives
- Presbyterian Evangelical Fellowship: formed to offset the denomination’s growing disinterest in evangelism
- Concerned Presbyterians: organized to counteract liberal control of the PCUS organizational structures
- Presbyterian Churchmen United: organized to counteract liberal control of the PCUS church courts
What were the concerns of the conservatives in the PCUS
- Theological heresy stemming from a rejection of inerrancy
- Ecumenical relations, including a potential merger with the liberal United Presbyterian Church (UPCUSA)
- Elevation of the social gospel above missions and evangelism
- Ordination of women
- Moral concerns, including promotion of abortion and unbiblical views of marriage and divorce
- Misuse of Presbyterian ecclesiology, including the presbytery owning the local church’s property
What happened in 1970 that moved toward the organization of the PCA?
Delegates from the four conservative organizations (Presbyterian Journal, Presbyterian Evangelical Fellowship, Concerned Presbyterians, Presbyterian Churchmen United) formed a Conservative Caucus to organize their efforts
What happened in 1971 that moved toward the organization of the PCA
A Steering Committee was formed to organize a withdrawal from the denomination
When and where did the first PCA General Assembly meet? Who were the moderator and clerk?
- 1973 at Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, AL
- Moderator: Jack Williamson
- Clerk: Morton H. Smith
- Called National Presbyterian Church for first year
What was the “joining and receiving”
At the 1982 General Assembly, the Reformed Presbyterian Church Evangelical Synod joined the PCA
What ecunemical organizations is the PCA a part of?
- NAPARC (North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council)
- NAE (National Association of Evangelicals)
- WRF (World Reformed Fellowship)
Theodore Beza
.Theodore Beza (Latin Theodorus Beza’, French Théodore de Bèze or de Besze) (June 24, 1519 – October 13, 1605) was a French Protestant Christian theologian and scholar who played an important role in the Reformation. A member of the monarchomaque movement who opposed absolute monarchy, he was a disciple of John Calvin and lived most of his life in Switzerland.
William Tyndale
.William Tyndale (sometimes spelled Tynsdale, Tindall, Tindill, Tyndall; c. 1494–1536) was an English scholar who became a leading figure in Protestant reform in the years leading up to his execution. He is well known for his translation of the Bible into English. He was influenced by the work of Desiderius Erasmus, who made the Greek New Testament available in Europe, and by Martin Luther.
Laelius Socinus
.Lelio Francesco Maria Sozzini or simply Lelio (Latin Laelius Socinus) (Siena, January 29, 1525 – Zürich, May 4, 1562), was an Italian Renaissance humanist and anti-Trinitarian reformer, and uncle of the better known Fausto Sozzini (Latin Faustus Socinus) from whom the Polish Brethren and early English Unitarians came to be called “Socinians”.
Moses Amyrald
.Moïse Amyraut, Latin Moyses Amyraldus (Bourgueil, September 1596 – January 8, 1664), in English texts often Moses Amyraut, was a French Protestant theologian and metaphysician. He is perhaps most noted for his modifications to Calvinist theology regarding the nature of Christ’s atonement, which is referred to as Amyraldism or Amyraldianism.[1][2]
4 point calvinist - no limited atonement.
Athanasian Creed
.The Athanasian Creed, or Quicunque Vult (also Quicumque Vult), is a Christian statement of belief focused on Trinitarian doctrine and Christology. The Latin name of the creed, Quicumque vult, is taken from the opening words, “Whosoever wishes”. The creed has been used by Christian churches since the sixth century. It is the first creed in which the equality of the three persons of the Trinity is explicitly stated. It differs from the Nicene-Constantinopolitan and Apostles’ Creeds in the inclusion of anathemas, or condemnations of those who disagree with the creed (like the original Nicene Creed).
Thirty Nine Articles
The Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion are the historically defining statements of doctrines of the Church of England with respect to the controversies of the English Reformation. First established in 1563, the articles served to define the doctrine of the Church of England as it related to Calvinist doctrine and Roman Catholic practice.[1] The full name for the articles is commonly abbreviated as the Thirty-Nine Articles or the XXXIX Articles..
Savoy Declaration.
.The Savoy Declaration is a modification of the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646). Its full title is A Declaration of the Faith and Order owned and practiced in the Congregational Churches in England. It was drawn up in October 1658 by English Independents meeting at the Savoy Palace, London. Recontructing only the parts that relate to church govt.
The Didache
.The Didache (/ˈdɪdəkiː/; Koine Greek: Διδαχή) or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (Didachē means “Teaching”[1]) is a brief early Christian treatise, dated by most scholars to the late first or early 2nd century.[2] The first line of this treatise is “Teaching of the Lord to the Gentiles (or Nations) by the Twelve Apostles”[3]
The text, parts of which constitute the oldest surviving written catechism, has three main sections dealing with Christian ethics, rituals such as baptism and Eucharist, and Church organization. It is considered the first example of the genre of the Church Orders.
The work was considered by some of the Church Fathers as part of the New Testament[4] but rejected as spurious or non-canonical by others,[5] eventually not accepted into the New Testament canon. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church “broader canon” includes the Didascalia, a work which draws on the Didache.
First Schism
498, both Pope Symmachus and Antipope Laurentius were elected pope. Issues over election reform and celebration of Easter. Who had support of the Ostrogothic king was key.
Fall of Rome
Christ has two natures but only one will. a development of the monophysite heresy. Condemned by Third Council of Constantinople in 681
Byzantine Iconoclasm 730-787
Second Council of Nicea 787 declared production of art and representations of Christ as good and right
St. Thomas Aquinas
Summa Theologica & Summa Contra Gentiles
Summa Theologica contains ‘the five ways’ - five proofs for existence of God
Substitution theory of atonement - major diff w/ anselm is that debt owed is not to God’s honor but as a moral injustice to be righted
St. Anselm
Archbishop of Canterbury 1093-1109
Ontological Argument for Existence of God
Satisfaction Theory of Atonement - debt to God’s honor
St. Francis of Assisi
Founded Franciscans - ‘Order of Friars Minor’
Life of simplicity/poverty
The Primitive Rule - To follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and to walk in his footsteps
Peter Abelard
Scholastic - bringing together philosophy and theology to make God understandable
Moral Ransom theory of atonement - world needed love for Christ/God excited by supreme act of love
Limbo Infantium - Infants who die pre-baptism do not go straight to hell, as previously thought, but live in Limbo - natural bliss, but not supernatural bliss
Bernard of Clairvaux
1090-1153 - French. Helped build Cistercians.
Outlined ‘Rule of the Knights Templar’ at council of Troyes
Mary is mediator/intercessor for us
Emphasized Lectio Divina and contemplation
Skeptical of immaculate conception
Quoted by Calvin re: sola fide and imputed righteousness
Pope Innocent III
Oversaw 4th Crusade - conquered Constantinople
4th Lateran Council - most important council of middle ages - 1215. 70 decrees. Organized 5th Crusade.
Franciscan Order
Founded by Francis of Assisi. High value on simple life, poverty as the way of Jesus.
Diet of Worms
.1521 - Holy Roman Empire at Worms Germany. Addressed Luther - Emperor Charles V condemming Martin Luther as a heretic. Luther made his famous -“ I cannot and will not recant and go against conscience….”
Ontological Argument
God is ‘That than which nothing greater can be conceived’ Put forward by Anselm in Proslogion 1078
Satisfaction Theory
Put forward by Anselm in “Cur Deus Homo?”
Substitutionary work of Christ, satisfying demands of divine honor.
Emphasis on God as the one owed the debt by humanity, not God paying the devil for humanity, as in the ransom theory
Anselm’s view differs from later development of penal substitution: Christ satisfies our debt of honor by his honorable act, meriting a surplus of honor and therefore paying what we could not. He does not pay the penalty or suffer the punishment for us, but his honor takes away the need for punishment.
Ransom Theory
Christ offers himself as a ransom for sinners - often to the devil as the one who ‘owns’ sinners.
The Recapitulation Theory of atonement
Originated with Irenaeus (125-202 AD). He sees Christ as the new Adam, who systematically undoes what Adam did.
The Penal-Substitution Theory of atonement
This view was formulated by the 16th century Reformers as an extension of Anselm’s Satisfaction theory. Anselm’s theory was correct in introducing the satisfaction aspect of Christ’s work and its necessity, however the Reformers saw it as insufficient because it was referenced to God’s honor rather than his justice and holiness and was couched more in terms of a commercial transaction than a penal substitution. This Reformed view says simply that Christ died for man, in man’s place, taking his sins and bearing them for him. The bearing of man’s sins takes the punishment for them and sets the believer free from the penal demands of the law: The righteousness of the law and the holiness of God are satisfied by this substitution.
The Governmental Theory of atonement
God made Christ an example of suffering to exhibit to erring man that sin is displeasing to him. God’s moral government of the world made it necessary for him to evince his wrath against sin in Christ. Christ died as a token of God’s displeasure toward sin and it was accepted by God as sufficient; but actually God does not exact strict justice. This view was formulated by Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) and is subsequently found in Arminianism, Charles Finney, the New England Theology of Jonathan Edwards (the younger), and Methodism.
Moral example theory of atonement
Formulated by Peter Abelard (1079-1142) partially in reaction against Anselm’s Satisfaction theory, this view was held by the 16th century Socinians.
Christ died to influence mankind toward moral improvement - his death impresses on them God’s love
Auburn Affirmation of 1924
The Auburn Affirmation was a document dated May 1924, with the title “AN AFFIRMATION designed to safeguard the unity and liberty of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America”, authored by an eleven-member Conference Committee and signed by 1274 ministers of the PCUSA. The Affirmation challenged the right of the highest body of the church, the General Assembly, to impose the Five fundamentals as a test of orthodoxy without the concurrence of a vote from the regional bodies, the presbyteries. In 1910, 1916, and again in 1923, the General Assembly declared that every candidate seeking to be ordained in the Presbyterian Church ought to be able to affirm
Inerrancy of the Scriptures
The virgin birth (and the deity of Jesus)
The doctrine of substitutionary atonement
The bodily resurrection of Jesus
The authenticity of Christ’s miracles
When was the first council of the Church
Jerusalem Acts 15 - Salvation by faith to the gentiles
The first council of constantinopolis?
Apollinarism: : Divine person in Christ does not have a reasonable soul of man because Jesus is the Logos.
What are the permanent committees and agencies of the General Assembly?
- Administrative Committee of the General Assembly.
- Committee on Christian Education and Publications.
- Committee on Mission to North America.
- Committee on Missions to the World.
- Covenant College.
- Covenant Seminary.
- Insurance; Annuities and Relief.
- PCA Foundation.
- Ridge Haven.—SCO 14-1,12