Bible Book Outlines OT Flashcards
To master basic outlines of the 66 canonical books of the Old and New Testaments
1 Chronicles
1-9 - Genealogies
10-29 - The reign of David
Continues the Old Testament narrative of 2 Chronicles by showing how God fulfills his promise to return his people to the Land of Promise after seventy years of exile. This second “exodus” of the people is less impressive in that only a remnant chose to leave Babylon. Ezra relates the story of two returns from Babylon—the first under Zerubbabel to rebuild the temple and the second under Ezra to rebuild the spiritual condition of the people.
1-6 - Return of the Exiles & Rebuilding of the Temple
7-10 Return of Ezra & Rebuilding of the Community
Song of Solomon
The Song of Songs is a wedding song honoring marriage. The book describes the God honoring love and enjoyment found between a husband and a wife, and therefore can readily be applied to Christ’s love for the church.
1-2 - The Woman’s Desire for Her Husband
2-3 - The Approach of Her Husband
3-5 - The Loss of Her Husband
5-8 - The Reunion of Husband and Wife
Gives a history of Israel’s conquering of the Promised land.
The book of Joshua continues the historical account of the Israelites’ entrance into Canaan, recording events following the death of Moses. It depicts the conquest of the promised land (1¬11) and the division of the territory among the twelve tribes (12-24).
1-4 Entering the Promised land
5-12 Conquering the Promised land
13-24 Dividing the Promised land
1-41 - Book One: Kingdom Contested 42-72 - Book Two: Kingdom Global 73-89 - Book Three: Kingdom Demolished 90-106 - Book Four: Kingdom Spiritual 107-150 - Book Five: Kingdom Exultant
HAGGAI: Post exile
Command and encouragement to finish rebuilding the temple. The work on the temple had ceased and the people had becomes more concerned with the beautification of their own houses than with the building of the central sanctuary of God. Because of their misplaced priorities, their future labors can-not be blessed by God. Only when the people put the Lord first by completing the task he set before them will his hand of blessing once again be one them.
1 Charge to rebuild and work begun
2 Exhortation to finish & the glory of the second temple will greater
ZEPHANIAH: SOuth pre_exile
This book repeatedly hammers home the message that the day of the Lord, is coming when the malignan-cy of sin will be dealt with. Israel and her gentile neighbors will soon experience the crushing hand of God’s wrath. But after the chastening process is complete, blessing will come in the person of the Messi-ah.
1 - Judgment on Judah and Jerusalem
2 Judgment Against the Nations
3 - Promise of restauration
1 Samuel
The account of the transition of leadership in Israel from judges to kings. Three characters play a promi-nent role in this book which accounts the rise of the prophet Samuel (Israel’s last judge), the reign and re-jection of King Saul, and the beginnings of David’s rule.
1-8 Samuel the Judge
9-15 Saul the King
16-31 Saul vs. David
The book of wanderings. Most of the book deals with Israel's experience in the wilderness as God estab-lishes their religious, civil, and military order. In Numbers, the nation goes through a painful process of testing and maturation in which God teaches his people the consequences of rebellion and irresponsible decisions. 1- 10 Preparation to leave Sinai 10- 25 Rebellion and wandering [12 Miriam and Aaron speak against Moses] [13-14 Spies sent out and report] [16-17 Korah's rebellion] [20 striking of the rock/ Aaron's death] [21 Bronze serpent] [22-24 Balaam] 26 -36 Census and directions
1 - The Beginning of Wisdom
1-9 - The Call to Wisdom
10-31 - The Life of Wisdom
31 - The Beauty of Wisdom
NAHUM: NINEVAH in the south
In contrast to Jonah, whose ministry resulted in Ninevah’s repentance, the prophet Nahum proclaims the downfall of the great Assyrian city of Ninevah. The Ninevites have forgotten their revival and have re-turned to their habits of violence, idolatry, and arrogance. As a result, Babylon will so destroy the city that no trace of it will remain—a prophesy fulfilled in painful detail.
1 - Ninevah’s Judge
2 - Ninevah’s destruction
3 - Ninevah’s Subdued
Jeremiah is the prophesy of the weeping prophet due to his heartbreaking message. Jeremiah labors more than forty years proclaiming a message of doom to the stiff-necked people of Judah. Despised and perse-cuted by his countrymen, Jeremiah bathes his harsh prophesies in tears of compassion. Throughout his book he faithfully declares that surrender to God’s will is the only way to avoid calamity.
1 - Jeremiah’s Call
2-29 - Judah’s Judgment and Exile
30-33 - Promises of Restoration
34-45 - The Fall of Jerusalem Prophesied _ 39 The Fall
46-51 - Oracles of Judgment Against the Nations
52 - Fall of Jerusalem Recounted
The account of the young gentle widow Ruth, who followed her mother-in-law, Naomi, back to Bethle-hem. There she gains the favor of Boaz, her kinsman redeemer, who takes her as his wife and she becomes and ancestor of David and of Christ.
1 Naomi return to Bethlehem from Moab with Ruth
2 Ruth gleans in the field of Nomi’s kinsman Boaz
3 Ruth appeals to Boaz as kinsman redeemer
4 Ruth marries Boaz
1-4 Lament
5 Prayer
Often called the prince of prophets because of the majestic sweep of his book. The first 39 chapters are filled with judgement upon immoral and idolatrous people—both Judah and surrounding nations. But the final 27 chapters declare a message of hope and consolation.
1-12 - The Lord is the Holy One of Israel
[6-12 Book of Immanuel]
13-27 - Woes of the Nations
28-39 - Woes and Salvation of God’s People
40-55 - God’s Redeemer Servant-King - 53 Messianic
56-66 - Righteousness in Servanthood