Church Flashcards
What is a creed?
A statement of belief. The apostles creed contains the most important Christian beliefs.
- I believe in the communion of saints
- I believe in God the Father, the son and Holy Ghost
- He was conceived by the Virgin Mary
- Suffered under Pontius Pilate
- Was crucified, died and buried descended into hell and rose again
- Sits at the right hand of the father.
- I believe in the forgiveness of sins
- Life everlasting
What did St Paul say to the Hebrews?
“Because we are surrounded by such a great crowd of supporters cheering us on, let us get rid of everything that keeps us from God, and keep running the race that is marked out for us”
What Mary’s annunciation?
This was when the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary.
He told her she would become pregnant without having sex and give birth to the son of God.
She was to call him Jesus
What is the importance of the annunciation?
Mary was specially chosen.
Catholics believe she was the best woman ever.
She was full of grace - God’s goodness
Jesus was human and needed his mother for example when he was separated from them aged 12 and he was found preaching in the Temple.
She saw the resurrected Jesus and saw he would never die.
Catholics believe Mary went straight to heaven body and soul - this is the assumption - she is the queen of heaven.
Catholics ask Mary to pray to Jesus for us. The Hail Mary.
Catholics think about they can follow her example.
What is the definition of Church?
In Greek the word is ekklesia meaning people who are called forward.
A church needs a priest and congregation.
A church does not have to be in a building.
What does the Apostles Creed say about Jesus’s birth
It says Jesus was born of a Virgin
What does the Apostles Creed say about the Holy Spirit?
It says the Holy Spirit is God the giver of life
Why is the church known as the Body of Christ?
It is Christ acting in the world through people today.
The first Christians lived together in communities described in the Acts of the Apostles
Describe the early church?
They devoted themselves to the Apostles teaching nod to the fellowship to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the Apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.
Who was the first pope?
Who invented the idea?
The first pope was St. Peter
It was Jesus’ idea to put Peter in charge when he appeared to the Apostles after the resurrection (john 21).
How does Matthew (16:19) describe the authority of pope?
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
What are the names of the catholic church leaders?
Pope - leader of Catholic Church
Cardinal - a bishop who looks after the church in a whole country
Archbishop - looks after a large are called an archdiocese
Bishop - looks after diocese and in charge of many priests
Priest - looks after people in a parish
Deacon - helps the priest
Laity - members of the church
Why were Catholics persecuted in the rein of Elizabeth 1st?
In 1570, queen Elizabeth 1st made it illegal to be catholic because people were happy as Catholics.
Who is St. Edmund campion?
He was born 1540 and died 1581. He was a Roman Catholic priest. He was friends with queen Elizabeth 1st. He lead a secret Catholic Church. He was arrested by priest hunters. He was convicted of treason and, hanged drawn and quartered. He was made a saint in 1970. He was one of the fourteen martyrs of England and Wales