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stuff to get fast with
Does it go well for you?
(Does it work well for you?
Does it suit you?)
¿Te va bien?
I’m coming.
Ya voy.
How about you?
(give 3 ways)
¿Y tú?
The most common and simple way to ask.
¿Qué hay de ti?
Literally, “What about you?”
¿Cómo te va a ti?
“How’s it going for you?”
the conventional health care system had largely failed to heal the sick.
“En gran medida” emphasizes extent.
“Mayormente” and “principalmente” work better for describing predominant factors or parts.
Medida is a noun meaning extent, measure, or measurement. (“A medida” is an adj meaning custom or tailored.)
el sistema convencional de salud había fracasado en gran medida a la hora de curar a los enfermos
I need to find out.
Necesito averiguar.
Me necesito enterar.
Tengo que averiguar.
Averiguar: To Find Out, To Ascertain
Enterarse: “to find out,” “to learn,” or “to realize.”
It makes me very happy to see you.
Me alegra mucho verte.
This is a standard, non-reflexive use of alegrar.
Acts like gustar.
What do you enjoy the most about… (your job?)
¿Qué es lo que más disfrutas de (tu trabajo)?
I found out that…
(Ana is pregnant)
Me enteré de que Ana está embarazada.
Enterarse de
“De” focuses on what is being informed about or discovered.
Summary: enterar de = informing someone; enterarse de = finding out about
Enterar de: Active action of informing someone else.
Someone (subject) informs another person (object).
Ejemplo: La policía enteró a los familiares del accidente.
(The police informed the family members about the accident.)
Enterarse de: Focuses on the act of acquiring knowledge, often passively or by chance.
The subject (yourself) becomes aware of something.
Ejemplo: Se enteraron de que había una fiesta.
(They found out there was a party.)
How have you been lately?
¿Cómo has estado últimamente?
I hope he/she doesn’t take long.
Espero que no tarde mucho.
I hope it goes well.
Ojalá que salga bien.
Espero que te vaya bien.
What time works for you?
What day works for you?
What date works for you?
¿Qué hora te sirve?
¿Qué día te sirve?
¿Qué fecha te sirve?
What do you mean?
. ¿Qué quieres decir?
¿Cómo así?
¿A qué te refieres (con eso)?
I am in my sixties.
Estoy en mis sesenta(s).
(more common without s)
Let me know.
Házmelo saber.
I relate.
Me identifico.
Puedo identificarme.
identificarse: To identify oneself (with) or to relate to something.
Reflexive: Refers to someone stating or proving their identity.
Figurative: Expresses a personal connection or similarity with an idea, group, or situation.
Irregular: C to QU
Differs from Identificar
Definition: To identify or recognize someone/something.
I wish you to be very happy.
Deseo que seas muy feliz.
Ser feliz: Refers to a deeper, long-term state of happiness or contentment.
Estar feliz: Refers to a temporary feeling of happiness.
Translation of the sentence:
“Deseo que seas muy feliz” = “I wish that you are very happy” (as a lasting state).
To know the reason why
Saber el porqué
I’m leaving.
Me voy.
Ya me voy.
Verb: Irse. In constrast to “ir,” it’s the best option when the focus is on the going, when there is no destination mentioned.
Voy saliendo: Used when you want to emphasize that you’re just starting to leave.
Even if it’s difficult.
Aunque sea difícil
Aunque sea – demasiado, poco, triste, etc.
I changed my mind.
Cambié de opinión
That’s it.
(or: There you go.)
Ya está.