Chronic venous insufficiency Flashcards
What signs would you see suggestive of chronic venous insufficiency?
HASLEGS: Haemosiderin deposition Atrophie blanche Swelling Lipodermatosclerosis Eczema Gaiter ulcers Scars- venous
Also varicose veins
What is Perthes’ test?
Tests for deep venous occlusion
How do you perform Perthes’ test?
High tourniquet around the patient’s leg, walk for 5 minutes
If a deep obstruction is present, this –> swelling and pain
How would you differentiate venous and arterial claudication?
Venous claudication –> a “bursting” pain in the leg after exercise and is relieved by rest
cf arterial, venous claudication is improved by elevating the leg
What would you need to ask about in a history of a patient with suspected post-phlebitic limb?
Past DVT- especially re any orthopaedic surgery or complicated obstetric course
Signs of venous claudication
What is venous gangrene?
A rare complication of DVT in the ileofemoral segment
What are the signs and symptoms of venous gangrene?
3 phases: 1. White leg
- Blue leg
- Gangrene secondary to acute ischaemia
What is lipodermatosclerosis?
A panniculitis due to venous hypertension. Poor tissue oxygenation results in ulceration and fat necrosis. The inverted champagne bottle appearance results from fibrosis causing distal shrinkage and venous obstruction causing proximal leg swelling.
What are the surgical options for treating venous reflux?
Trahere transplantation- axillary vein segment with valve transplanted into deep venous system
Valvuloplasty of damaged valves.
What are the surgical options for treating venous obstruction?
Palma operation- use contralateral great saphenous vein and anastomose to femoral vein to bypass ileofemoral obstruction