Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Flashcards
describe COPD
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- non reversible long term deterioration in air flow through lungs due to chronic damage to airways and/or lungs
- difficulty expiring
- difficulty in ventilation makes lungs more prone to infections
what is the main cause of COPD
what triggers exacerbations of COPD in Px
triggered by infections (called infective exacerbations)
what makes COPD different from asthma
- obstruction not significantly reversible w/ bronchodilators
how might COPD present
(in a long term smoker)
- chronic SoB
- cough
- sputum production
- wheeze
- recurrent resp infections esp in winter
what symptoms or not typically seen in COPD
- doesn’t cause finger clubbing
- haemoptysis
- chest pain
give some differential diagnoses for a Px presenting w/ symptoms of COPD
- lung cancer
- fibrosis
- HF
what is the MRC (medical research council) Dyspnoea Scale
5 point scale recommended by NICE for assessing the impact of breathlessness
describe the grades in MRC Dyspnoea Scale
- Grade 1 - SoB on strenuous exercise
- Grade 2 - SoB walking up hill
- Grade 3 - SoB slows walking on flat
- Grade 4 - stop to catch breath after walking 100m on flat
- Grade 5 - unable to leave house due to SoB
what 2 things are typically used to diagnose COPD
clinical presentation and spirometry
describe the results of spirometry in COPD
- gives obstructive picture
- FEV1:FVC ratio <75%
how can severity of airflow obstruction be assessed
graded using FEV1
describe the grades of severity in airway obstruction
- Stage 1: FEV1 >80% of predicted
- Stage 2: FEV1 50-79% of predicted
- Stage 3: FEV1 30-49% of predicted
- Stage 4: FEV1 <30% of predicted
what other investigations can be done to help with diagnosis and management of COPD or to exclude other conditions
- sputum culture
- ECG and echo-cg
- CT thorax
- serum alpha-1 antitrypsin
- transfer factor for carbon monoxide (TLCO)
why might FBC be done when diagnosing COPD
- to check for polycythaemia or anaemia
- polycythaemia (raised Hb) is a response to chronic hypoxia