Chronic Liver Disease Flashcards
What are the causes of chronic liver failure?
- Viral hepatitis B, C, D
- yellow fever
- leptospirosis
- alcohol
- primary biliary cirrhosis
- haemochromatosis
- autoimmune hepatitis
- alpha - antitrypsin deficiency
- wilson’s disease
- fatty liver disease
What are the signs of acute on chronic liver failure?
- jaundice
- hepatic encephalopathy
- breath smells sweet (fetor hepaticus)
- ## constructional apraxia (cannot copy a 5 point star)
what are the signs of chronic liver disease?
- leuconychia
- terry’s nails (white proximally but distally red)
- clubbing
- palmar erythema
- dupuytren’s contracture
- spider naevi
- keiser fleitcher rings
- yellowed sclera
body: - gynaecomastia - atrophic testes - hair loss - parotid enlargement - hepatomegaly OR - small liver in late stage of disease.
what blood tests should be done for chronic liver failure?
- FBC ( infection?)
- U&E
- LFT (high bili, high ALT)
- Clotting (Prothrombin time and INR high due to decreased production of clotting factors)
- glucose
- paracetamol level (overdose?)
- Viral hepatitis markers
- CMV / EBV serology
- ferritin
- alpha 1 antitrypsin
- autoantibodies
What microbiology should be done for chronic liver failure?
- blood culture
- urine culture
- ascitic tap for micro —-> neutrophils >250mm3 indicates spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.
What imaging should be done for chronic liver disease?
- abdo USS
- doppler flow studies of portal vein
What neuro tests should be done for chronic liver disease?
What supplements are given in chronic liver disease>
- thiamine
- folate
How do you treat ascites?
- restrict fluid
- low salt diet
- diuretics
- weigh daily
List some hepatotoxic drugs?
- paracetamol
- methotrexate
- azathioprine
- tetracycline
- isoniazid
- phenothiazines
- oestrogen
- salicylates
- mitomycin
What could clouding consciousness other than hepactic encephalopathy in liver disease?
- Hypoglycaemia
- sepsis
- trauma
- postictal
what is cirrhosis?
- irreversible liver damage
- loss of normal hepatic architecture
- fibrosis
- nodular regeneration
What drugs can causes cirrhosis?
- methotrexate
- amiodarone
- methyldopa
what are the complications of cirrhosis?
Hepatic failure:
- coagulopathy (raised INR)
- encephalopathy (liver flap, confusion, coma)
- hypoalbuminaemia (oedema / leuonychia)
- Sepsis (pneumonia)
- spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (ascitic tap micro shows neutrophils 250mm3 +)
- hypoglycaemia
- Poratal hypertension—–> ascites, splenomegaly, oesophageal varices, caput medusae
- increased risk of hepatocellular cancer
What would the bloods show in cirrhosis?
- LFT (raised bili, raised AST, raised ALT, raised alk phos, raised gammaGT)
- LFT (low albumin in late disease)
- coagulation (increased prothrombin time / INR)
- FBC - low WCC, low platelets (hyper splenism)
Apart from LFTs, coagulation, and FBC what other tests are done for cirrhosis?
- ferritin
- iron/total iron binding capacity
- hepatic serology
- immunoglobulins
- autoantibodies
- alpha-feto protein
- caeruloplasminn in patients less than 40yrs
- alpha-antitrypsin
- ascitic tap
What might the liver USS show in cirrhosis?
- small liver or hepatomegaly
- splenomegaly
- portal vein thrombus
- reversed flow in portal vein
- ascites
On MRI of a cirrhotic liver - what feature is more common in alcoholic cirrhosis than viral liver cirrhosis?
- right posterior hepatic notch
What is the general management of cirrhosis?
- Good nutrition
- alcohol abstinence
- avoid NSAIDs, Sedatives, Opiates
What drug helps pruritis in cirrhosis?
- Colestyramine
What is done to screen for hepactic cell cancerin cirrhosis?
ultrasound and alpha fetoprotein every 3-6months
What is the 5 year survival for patients with cirrhosis
- 50%
What indicates poor prognosis in cirrhosis
- encephalopathy
- serum Na+ less than 110mmol/L
- serum albumin less than 25g/L
- raised INR
What are the components of decompensated liver disease?
- ascites
- jaundice
- encephalopathy
What factors can lead to decompensated cirrhosis?
- constipation
- dehyrdration
- covert alcohol use
- infection
- opiate over use
- occult GI bleed