chronic bacteria enteritidis Flashcards
Major causes of chronic diarrhea accdg to predominant mechanisms
- secretory mech
- osmotic causes
- steatorrheal causes
- inflammatory causes
- dysmotility causes
- factitial causes
- infections
secretory causes are due to
derangements in fluid and electrolytes
transport across enterocolonic mucosa
secretory causes can be caused by
Medications Bowel resection, mucosal disease or enterocolic fistula Bacterial infection Hormones
most common secretory
causes of chronic diarrhea
Side effects from regular ingestion of drugs
and toxins
how can chronic ethanol consumption cause secretory diarrhea
enterocyte injury with impaired
sodium and water absorption as well as rapid transit
and other alterations.
why does Bowel Resection, Mucosal Disease or Enterocolic
Fistula result in secretory diarrhea
inadequate surface for reabsorption of secreted
fluids and electrolytes.
how does hormones contribute to diarrhea
due to release of intestinal secretagogues (serotonin, histamine, PG, kinins) into the circulation
Occurs when ingested, poorly absorbable,
osmotically active solutes draw enough fluid into the
lumen to exceed the reabsorptive capacity of the
osmotic causes
aluminum causes ____ while Mg causes ____
Al: constipation
Mg: diarrhea
how can carb malaborption lead to osmotic diarrhea
Carbohydrate malabsorption due to acquired or
congenital defects in brush-border disaccharidases
and other enzymes leads to osmotic diarrhea with a
low pH.
intraluminal maldigetion commonly results from
pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
why does cirrhosis or biliary obstruction lead to mild steatorrhea
due to deficient intraluminal bile acid conc
most common enteropathy wich causes mucosal malabsorption
celiac disease
celiac disease is char by
villous atrophy and crypt hyperplasia in the proximal small bowel
how does hyperthyroidism relate to dysmotility causes
it causes hypermetabolism causing rapid transit in the GIT