Christmas Exam (1800-47)) Flashcards
Which strand of Nationalism was most dominant during the 1800s?
Successes of O’Connell during Emancipation
O’Connell’s Personality
Mass Meetings
Galvanised Irish people to Nationalism
Support from all classes and Bishops
Rejection of earlier, strict U/C emancipation bill - redirect nationalism
Successes of Catholic Assoc. during Emancipation
Main goal = fund emancipation & Irish constit. cause (ACHIEVED)
Wanted to civil and political rights (SEMI-ACHIEVED)
Catholic Rent
Supported Pro-Eman. MPs
Successes of Catholic Church during Emancipation
Collect funds for campaign
Spread information on nationalism
Clergy as agents of movement
Other successes of Constit. Nat
Utilised the mismanaged conser. gov
40 shilling FH to vote pro-nationalist candidates (DOC as mayor)
HofC gained 5 seats
Successes of Constit. Nat Reforms
39 MPs in 1833 (biggest opp)
Persuaded decrease of 25% of tithes during war
National Schools of 1831 by Chief Sec
Irish Church Temp Act for dissolve of CofIreland
1838 Poor Relief expanded support for poor
Minicipal Corp Reform = £10+ rate payers vote and join council
Litchfield House Compact bombarded gov
Three new (prot.) universities
When did O’Connelites gain main opp in parliament?
1833, with 39MPs
When did National Schools come in?
When did Irish Church Temp Act come in?
When did Poor Relief Bill come through?
Failures of Constit. Nat
40 shilling disenfranchisment
40 shilling defiance of landlords = sectarianism
Neglected protestant base
Nothing really improved for regular Irish people
Failure of Repeal
Less Palatable - few benefits, scared if cut ties (minority and economy)
Restored conser. gov
Repeated strategies - nothing improved so why repeal different
Continuous rejection in HofC
Great Reform Bill resticted vote to Middle class - nationalist success undermined and undwritten
Irish rep of 5 in HofC bittersweet (supposed to be 20)
DOC couldnt commit or admit to main cause
Loss of faith in DOC
Led to and cause by rise in revol. nat
Old tactics now stale
CC had new goals and was co-op less with DOC
Clontarf meeting
Failures of reforms
DOC attempt to address disenf. 40 shilling at parliament was ignored
Only 5 of 20 MPs in HofC
Municip. Corp Bill selective to £10+ (leaving out L/C)
Main aim of Cult. Nat
support Const. Nat
Spread word on Nat mov
gen. more voters for pro-em
raised funds
presb and ang. got denom schooling through 1834 Catholic Church
1835 - catholics be judges and magistrates
Repeal rent
educational reform
social and legis. matters achieved
gained signif. role in infrast. of irish society