Christianity P Flashcards
What does baptism symbolise?
The forgiveness of sins
What is believers’ baptism?
baptism should only occur once somebody is an adult
No one can enter the kingdom of God unless….
No one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.
- John
What do orthodox Christians do for infant baptism?
For Orthodox Christians, infant baptism involves total immersion.
Which Christian denominations agree with Believers’ baptism?
Pentecostals and baptists
What is the meaning behind Christmas?
Mary gave birth to Jesus in Bethlehem and laid him in a manger. According to the gospels, he was visited by kings and shepherds who had heard about his birth.
Why is easter the most important celebration?
it shows defeat of death and hope for salvation
What is evangelism?
Teaching christianity
What is missionary?
spreading Christianity
What did billy Graham do?
He used social media to spread christianity
“Go and make disciples….
Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit
what is CAFOD
An organisation that works to fight poverty and injustice around the world.
what is christian aid
help to end poverty throughout the world by helping refugees
what is tearfund
an evangelical organisation that aims to help to end hunger all over the world.
How do missionaries spread Christianity?
through their actions
Church growth
I will build my church and…..
I will build my church and the gates of hades will not overrule it
What is persecution
Mistreating people for their religious beliefs
“Blessed are the….
Blessed are the peacemakers
meaning all people should be treated equally
What is reconciliation
act of forgiveness
What is the parable of the sheep’s and goats?
Jesus uses the example of a shepherd who separates his sheep from his goats in order to help his followers understand what judgement will be like.
What is PAX Christi
An organisation that works for human rights
What should all Christians aim for despite being persecuted in many places?
“We were Gods enemies….
We were Gods enemies we were reconciled to him through the death of his son
What are street pators
A Christian who gets involved to try stop crime and increase safety
Street pastors
In the same way, faith by itself if it is not…
In the same way faith by itself if it is not accompanied by action, is dead
Food banks
“For i was hungry
For i was hungry you gave me something to eat, i was thirsty you gave m something to drink, i was a stranger and you invited me in, i needed clothes and you clothed me, i was sick and you looked after me, i was in prison and you came to visit me
“Dear children let us not love with words….
Dear children let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth
“Everyone who wants to live a godly life….
Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted”
“If the world hates you….
If the world hates you, keep in mind it hated me first
How do Christian churches respond to persecution?
providing advice and support