Christianity B+T Flashcards
What is the word for the oneness of God
What is the trinity
The Father, the Son and the holy Spirit
What does transcendent mean?
Above and beyond human understanding
What does immanence mean?
God is close to humans
Quote :
In the beginning…….
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth.
Give two beliefs about creation
God is the only creator.
God existed before he created the world.
The world was well planned and is sustained by God.
God blessed creation; all creation is holy.
God created everything in Heaven and on Earth in six days.
On the seventh day, God rested.
God said there let be….
God said let there be light and there was light
What does Jesus’ resurrection teach Christians?
Jesus’ resurrection shows Christians the power of God but also teaches them not to be afraid of dying.
While he was blessing them..
While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up to heaven
- Luke
Why is Jesus’ ascension good for Christians?
His sacrifice overcame sin and offers humans hope of eternal life.
If there is a…. there is also a….
If there is a human body, there is also a spiritual body
- Corinthians
What is salvation?
Human souls can be saved from eternal punishment
What is salvation through law?
Carrying out good deeds that will please God
What is salvation through grace?
Believing in God and his son Jesus Christ
What is salvation through spirit?
Despite sinning, humans can try make amendments with God