Christianity Flashcards
What is the trinity?
Belief in the trinity is essential but Christians interperet it differently. God manifests as The Fathher, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. A ritual within Christianity.
What is the afterlife?
The concept of reward and punishment is tied to sin and the afterlife. The goal is an afterlife with God.they believe there will be end time, final judgement, and no more after (linear thinking). Very focused on afterlife and what happens when you die. Idea life were living = suffering.
Sin is the greatest issue and encompasses idoltry and injustice. Embrace original sin. Throughout history Christianity opressed and marginalized and been unjust to Christians and nonchristians.
What is Epistles?
The genuine Pauline letters are the earlies part of the New Testament. Paul’s ideas include: dualism, baptism, and the inclusion of gentiles.
What is monacticism?
Monasticism or monkhood is a religious way of life in which one renounces worldly pursuits to devote oneself fully to spiritual work. Middleages 500-1500 CE
What is Sola Scriptura?
It is scripture alone.
What is idoltry?
Worship of idols (an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship). Has been cosidered worship of false Gods and is forbidden.
What are solafides?
This is faith alone.
What are indlugences?
If you wanted to commit sin, the had indulgences, where people could give the church money and sin. “a way to reduce the amount of punishment one has to undergo for sins.”
Original sin?
Christanity believe in the “original sin” because of what happened in the garden of eden, they believe people are born with that sin and an inclination of sin
What is predestination?
Some Christians believe that no matter what you believe or what you do, your destiny had been predetermined for you by God and nothing you do will change what happens. With this there is the ideal that after death you go to heaven or hell for eternity
Who is the pope?
The pope makes decisions on behalf of the entire church and has been doing so for many years.
What is purgatory?
Some christians accept the concept of purgortory, which is an intermediate state where the soul goes before heaven (limbo).
What is a heretic?
A person believing and practicing reliigous heresy which is belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine.
What is gnosticism?
Gnosticism goes back centuries before the Christian era, possibly as early as the fifth Century, B.C. A belief system developed in ancient Syria and Persia that held salvation of the soul could be achieved by attaining a deep, mystic, and divine knowledge.