Buddhism Flashcards
What is Bodhisattva?
Enlightened Being.
What are Stupas?
Shrines that are believed to house the relics of the Buddha
What is The Middle Way?
One should avoid the extremes of self-indulgence and extreme ascetism and instead adopt the middle way to realize enlightenment.
What is Dependant Origination?
It is the notion that nothing comes into existence on its own. They come into existence due to dependence on other conditions.
What is sangha?
It is community
What is anatman?
The doctrine of no permenant self.
What is karma?
Sees as “fruit of action” (like Hinduism) focuses on the attachments or motives of an action. Karma is reflected in rebirth.
What is nirvana?
The end of the cycle of rebirth. There are two types. Nirvana with remainder and nirvana without a remainder (pari-nirvana)
What is tripitaka?
The three baskets…
Vinaya Pitaka - The discipline Basket
Sutra pitaka - the discourse basket
Abhidharma pitaka - the special teachings basket
Who was Ashoka?
Was an indian ruler who converted to Buddhism. He ordered the original Stupas if Buddha be opened and the relics divided among the stupas the he commissioned.
Who is a Arhat?
“Worthy one” someone who has followed the eight fold path and is free from rebirth.
What is bhikshuni.
They are nuns.
Who is Amitabha?
He is the Buddha of pure light. He presides over a special place called Sukhavati - The pure land
What is Zazen?
It is sitting meditation. The goal is to realize that things distract the mind and to let go of this without attachment.
What are Koans?
Riddles that are used as an object of mental concentration.