Christian Denominations Flashcards
• Sacraments
• Fasting
• Worship Service
Coptic Christianity / Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria
derived from Greek term meaning Egyptian
Coptic Christianity / Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria
Oldest branches of Christianity, claiming to be founded by one of the 72 Apostles sent forth by Jesus Christ
Coptic Christianity / Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria
The _______ Split from other Christians around the Mediterranean, in a disagreement over THE TRUE NATURE OF JESUS CHRIST
Coptic Christianity / Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria
Steeped in ritual and tradition and places a heavy emphasis on Asceticism, or denying the self.
Coptic Christianity / Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria
severe self-discipline and avoidance of all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons
Protestant Christians who believe on the manifestations of the Holy Spirit are alive
may also be described as “Charismatics”
Pentecostals believe in the baptism in the Holy Spirit as evidenced by ________ -
Speaking In Tongues
Worship: motional, lively expressions of worship with great spontaneity.
term defining the religious beliefs and practices of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
The _______ is the central to Mormonism
The mormon’s prophet is?
Joseph Smith (typical white guy name)
They see themselves as a worldwide brotherhood that transcend national boundaries and national and ethnic loyalties
Jehovah’s Witnesses
The slave class is entrusted with (Jehovah’s Witness) _____________________________
caring for Jesus’ earthly interests and with providing timely spiritual food
(Jehovah’s Witness) The bible was____________
inspired by God and historically accurate
They believe that God the Father is “the only true God”. Jesus Christ is his firstborn son, is inferior to God, and was created by God. The Holy Spirit is not a person; it is God’s active force
Jehovah’s Witness
Jesus did not die on the cross but on SINGLE STAKE - The belief is based on the Greek words used in the Bible for the Cross which literally translates as “stake” and “tree”
Jehovah’s Witness
They believe that when a person dies, their existence completely stops
Jehovah’s Witness
In the baptist movement everyone is ______
Baptists are ______ ; each church is self-governing and self-supporting, made up of members, each with a role to play
FIFTH LARGEST Christian Church in the world
Baptist Christianity
A SECT of christianity that believes, among other things, that worship services should be conducted on the “seventeenth day” (The Sabbath) instead on Sunday
Seventh-day Adventist Church
_______ , a false prophet who predicted Jesus would return in either 1843 or 1844.
William Miller
When Miller’s prediction of Christ’s second coming failed to come to pass, the _______ disbanded in dismay; this event became known as __________
“The Great Disappointment”
When a person dies they believe that they remain unconscious until they are resurrected
Seventh-day Adventist Church
________; “the law of God, the law of good…” (Rudimental Divine Science, p. 1)
Mark Baker Eddy
As adherents of truth, they take the inspired word of the Bible as our _________ (Christian Science)
sufficient guide to eternal life
Jesus atonement as the evidence of divine, efficacious love, unfolding man’s unity with God through Christ Jesus the Way-shower; and we acknowledge that man is saved through Christ through truth, life and love as demonstrated by the Galilean prophet in healing the sick and overcoming sin and death
Christian Science
They solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful, just and pure.
Christian Science
largest unified religious organization in the world
Roman Catholicism
collection of at least 14 self governing churches, united theologically yet without a centralized institutional structure
Eastern Orthodoxy
95 theses on a church in Wittenburg, questioning the validity of indulgences, widely seen as the start of the Reformation
made by ______ who protested against “indulgences”, affirmed that God could grant forgiveness alone.
Martin Luther
teaches absolute sovereignty of God and total depravity (original sin) of humanity
_______ , a Prostestant thinker who developed the “reform” of Christianity begun by Martin Luther,
John Calvin
or Episcopalianism, ordain women as priests and some permit the ordination of women to Bishops
Accounts for highly methodological habits of a group of students who met at Oxford, regular communion and fasting and abstinence from amusement and luxuries
Direct experience of God though Christ is available to all people, inner light of God exist in every man
Society of Friends
_______ was sentenced to Prison and mocked as “quaker”
George Fox