CHPT 28 and 31 Flashcards
the pediiatric treats children from birth through the erouption of their second perminant molars. the pediatric practice sometimes treats medicaly comrimised adults
patient management
the dental team must work together and know each others positive roles. a positive trusting relationship with some children. the dental team must have coconsistant management policies and procedure sequences , and must consistantly use the same terminoligy when speaking with patients.
subjective fears
some of the fears are based on feelings, atitueds. and concerns that have developed from sugestions of others. thes are called subjective fears.
behavior management tecnigues
TELL,SHOW, AND DO-assitant names an intrument and deminstrates how to use it either on their own hand or the childs.
VOICE CONTROL-speaking comley but firmly let child know the assitant is in control.
DISTRACTION- distract the child attention
POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT-give the patient positive reinforcement at the appropriat time.
HAND OVER MOUTH (HOM)-requires informed consent
parents are generaly very supportive if
they are informed ,know what is hapening, and know what is exspected of them.
floride aplications and flouride varnishes
are applied after the cornal polish andpit and fisher sealants have been applied.
the varnish is
painted onthe surfaces of the teeth and sets on contact with saliva, and then it dries to a natural tooth color.
flouride varnishes comes in variouse forms including.
pre mesured unit doses,individual applicattions with applicator brushes, and tubes.
tongue thrusting
is a habit in whitch the childs tounge pushes against the aterior teeth during swallowing causing an antier open bit.
treatments for the habit of tounge trusting
myofuntional exercise (Theropy) or use of apliances
pulp therapy in primary and young permanant teeth
if the pulp is not yet exsposed, indirect pulp capping (IPT), is indicated.
in the case the pulp has not yet neen exsposed,but ther is a chanse the pulp will be exsposed while removing the cares. the tecnique involves- leaving a thin layer of sound or caries dentine with no evidence of pulp exsposer
if the pulp has been exsposed while removing through mecanical or tramatice means but therei is a chance of faverable response
a direct pulp capping (DPC) procedure is endicated.
Formocresal is bacterial it preserves
a thin layer of the remaining pulp tissue to control hemorige
a solution of flamaldihyde, cresol,glecerin and water.
what is formocresol used for
in vital pulpotomy anf used as a temporary intracanal medicament used during root canal theeropy,
is formocresol get s on the skin
it will cause a burning sensation. wash with saop and water, treat as a burn.
for the you ng pemanant ateeth a pulpotomy maintains pulp vitality and allows enough time for the root to develope and close
stainles steel crowns
are used on both primary and permant teeth.
on primary teeth stainles steel crowns are
places until permant dentin erups. these crown are places until the patient can have them replaced with gold or metal crowns
indications for use of stainless steel crowns included the folllowing
exstensive carious lesions
hypoplasic or hypocalcified teeth
treatment following PULPTOMY or pulpectomy
measial distal of the interproximal
the direct composit tecnigue involves
preperation of the tooth placement of liners and bonding agents and inserttion of the composite resin into the tooth carving and filing completion
the indirect composite tecnique
preparation of the tooth, taking a final impresion, and snding it to the lab and fabrication.
cerametal restorations are used in
conditions of heavy occlusal stress and for multible unit fixed prostheses
porcelain restorations
can be made as full crowns coverage or as partial veneers coverage
walking whiting techinigue
a thich past of hydrogen proxide, sodium perborate, or a combination of the two to be placed on the coroal portion of the nonvital tooth.
bleaching vital teeth in the office involves the application od bleaching liguids or gels often with the application of heat a curing light or laser. this is sometimes called
power whitening
home whitening technigues
the patient applies a bleaching agent usually carbamide peroxide or deluted hydrogen peroxide in custom- fit tray for specific amounts of time
assisted whitening
as an alternativepatients can come to the office for a startup appointment
the time involved in the bleeching process
can take severeal weeks, the bleaching materials can cause nausia and sensitivity to the gengiva, and there is lACK OF DIRECT MONITORING BY THE DENTIST.
6 percent hydrogen peroxide is to be worn
over a 14 day period
10 percent hydrogen peroxide can be worn
for a 7 day period typicaly to be worn for 30 minutes two times a day
otc whiting gels
are whiting gels that is painted on the facial surface of the antier teeth. care should be taken to keep the gel on the tooth surface a nd away from the gingival tissues. some gels contain 18 cabamide peroxide agent and can be used on a daily basis.
although many whiting system are delivered through the dental office.
otc systems are availible as well
the otc sytem trays or thermoplastic trays
that can be heated and then molded on the teeth.
the whiting agents used in tooth past include
hydrogen peroxide calcium peroxide, and sodium percarbonate.
primary whiting is acomplished by the abrasive agents in tooth past whitch are
hydrated silica dicalcium phosphate dehydrate, and calcium carbonate whitch rates very low on abrasive rankings.
the ada seal on tooth past pakaging indicates
that abrasive particals do not exceed maximume abrasive ranking
the patients dedication to following procedures and limiting foods and habits that stain the teeth
will enhance the process and bleach the teeth faster
tooth sensitivity is sometimes treated with
sodium flouride
no heat materials are applied
every 10 minutes
some materials require the use
of a bleaching heat and or light source and are used for approximily 30 minutes.
advanced chair side functions
check with exsplorer
non flouride clean acclusal surface
rinse dry
re check rense dry
isolate/dental dam/cotton roll/dry angle
rinse dry
dull white chalky
apply sealant prevent air bubbles
light cure
check the acclusion
apply flouride