Chapt 5 Flashcards
Testwhat percent of americans are over nourished and what does it lead to.
Test60%, obesity
what makes up 60 to 70 % of your total body weight
what are protens and where are they found?
they are essentual for the bodys groth and tissue repare. found naturaly in plants and animals.
vitamin b6
essential in the synthesesand metabolism of protein carbohydrates and fat
do not provide the body with energy instead they perform other necessary functions.
lack of correct nutrients
to make an incomplete proten complete you can?
add another incomplete protein with it
the primary function of water is?
a solvent for biochemical reactions
the latest revision of the (USDA) food guide is
my plate, released in june 2011
found in bones and teeth and involved in energy metabilisim
grown with out the use of herbicidles
optimum energy balance
includeds the same amount of caleries
the manner in which foods are used to meet the bodys needs
chemical substance in food that is nessary for the body groth and repair.
nonessintial amino acids
can be produced or synthesised by the body
sum of physical and chemical changes accuring in tissue
metabolic rate
the physical and chemical changes that take place in relation to energy usage.
lack of vitimine B
can cause cheilosis and or glossitis
if the label states that it is LIGHT then the fat is typicaly aboutn how much less?
if label states REDUCED fat how much is it REDUCED?
if a person is classified as incomplete they?
do not have all 10 amino acids
how many essential nutrients are required by the human body
40 + essentual
inflamation of the toungue
helps strenthen teeth and prevent ostioporoses
dirived from solids and insaluble in water
essential aminioacid
10 that the body connot synthesis or produce in needed amounts
some of the minerals that are positive or negitivly charged
everything that is taken into the mouth
department of agricultur (usda)
first developed a guid to a balanced diet in 1992 (pyramid)
lips become red and fissures develop in corners of mouth
cariogenic food
break down into simple sugars in the mouth can cause dental caries
grains ex… ecompasses sugars starches and fibers and provides quick energy
the amount of energy a substance can supply
makes up the largest quanity of the seven major minerals and is found in bones and teeth
over eating then vomiting
basal metabolic rate
the energy that is used when a person is at rest.
anorexia nervasa
fear of being fat, adversion to food, see themself as fat even when inderweight.
A person is clasified as complete if they
have all 10 essential amino acids