Chpater 14 Flashcards
Health Psychology
understanding and improving the links btwn physical and psychological health
Specific events or chronic pressures that place demands on a person
Stress Response
Physical and psychological response to internal or external stressor
Chronic stressors
sources of stress that occurs repeatedly
Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) axis
Demands from environment –> Cerebral cortex –> Hypothalamus –releasing factor –> pituitary glands –ACTH –> Adrenal glands –> Cortisol and Catecholamine
3 stages of general adaption syndrome (GAS)
- Alarm reaction
- Resistance
- Exhaustion
Humans respond to stress by
- caring for others
- seeking help
stress hormone (more likely for women to release) -"bonding hormone"
Cortisol when things go RIGHT
- inhibits growth, reproduction, inflammation
- helps break down stored nutrients for energy
- helps body return to normal after stress
Cortisol when things go WRONG
- Fat storage in central visceral area
- Damage to hippocampus (memory)
- Impaired immune functioning
- Depression
- Elevated lipids
- High BP
Protein complexes that cap chromosomal ends
An enzyme that rebuilds telomeres at the tips of chromosomes
Long-term excess of epinephrine and norepinephrine can
- suppress immune system
- elevated lipid and BP lvls
What age group experiences the greatest amount of stress
What % of students were overwhelmed? Exhausted? Felt anxiety?
89% overwhelmed
86% exhausted
56% felt anxiety
Emotion-focused coping
reduce negative emotional responses with associated w/ stress (fear, embarrassment)
Problem-focused coping
aims to remove or reduce the cause of stressor
Emotion-focused Pros/ Cons
-can help ones that don’t express emotion
-can be help when problem cannot be solved or within control
-may not solve problem in long run
Problem-focused Pros/ Cons
-IDs root of problem
-not all problems are solvable
repressive coping
avoid feelings
rational coping
facing a stressor and works to overcome it
finding a new way to think about stressor that reduces its threat
Transactional model of Stress and Coping
Stressor–> interpretation –> Appraisal –> Stress response
Primary Appraisal
what does this mean to me?
Secondary Appraisal
Do I have the ability/ resources to handle this?
Social Support: Encouragement
someone who cheers you on
-ex. you got this!
Social Support:
Emotional Support
someone who gives you pos. psychological support
-ex. listens to problems but no response
Social Support:
Problem Solving
someone who helps overcome barriers
-ex. do this, do that
Social Support:
Applied Support
someone who directly helps you or provides some form of instrumental support
-ex. a friend willing to walk your dog so you have time to study
Stress management and prevention
- Self-efficacy
- Belief one can handle it
- Ability to handle stressor
- Deep breathing
- Progressive muscle relaxation
- Mindfulness
Sick role
-socially recognized set of rights and obligations linked with illness