Chapter 10 Flashcards
ability to:
- direct ones thinking
- adapt to ones circumstances
- learn from ones experiences
Sir Francis Galton
Darwins cousin
believed that intelligence was inherited
How did Sir Francis Galton measure intelligence
- strength
- head size
- reaction time
- ability to detect differences btwn stimuli (true)
Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale
assigned mental age based on math, verbal, problem solving, and memory
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
Performance reflected by single score – Intelligence quotient
- Ratio IQ = (mental age/ physical age) x 100
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
- Deviation IQ = (Persons test score/ Avg score of people in same age group) x 100
WAIS-IV verbal comprehension test
- vocab
- similarities
- information
WAIS-IV Perceptual reasoning test
- block design
- matrix reasoning
- visual puzzles
WAIS-IV Working Memory Test
- Digit Span
- Arithmetic
WAIS-IV Processing Speed Test
- Symbol search
- coding
intelligence is made up of one single underlying factor of “general intelligence”
intelligence is made up of distinct abilities that are not necessarily related
Spearman’s 2-Factor theory
a persons performance on a test is due to a combination of general ability and skills that are specific to the test
3-level hierarchy
-most intelligence test data are best described using it
Crystallized intelligence
apply knowledge acquired via experience
Fluid intelligence
solve and reason about novel problems
Emotional intelligence
ability to reason about emotions and to use emotions to enhance reasoning
Who has a similar IQ?
Identical or fraternal twins?
Identical twins
Who has a similar IQ?
Biological siblings or unrelated individuals both being raised in same house?
Biological siblings
Who has a similar IQ?
Children raised by adoptive or biological parents?
Biological parents
There is no overall sex difference in
Black people IQ =
lower than whites
Asian people IQ =
higher than whites
Do genes explain racial differences?
Heritability Coefficient
a statistic that describes the proportion of the difference btwn peoples IQ scores that can be explained by differences in genes
Stereotype threat
fear that one will confirm negative stereotypes about ones group
ex. women in math