chp.2 Flashcards
Spotlight Effect
the belief that others are paying more attention to our appearance than they really are
Illusion of Transparency
the illusion that our concealed emotions can leak out and can be easily read by others (if your happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it/it won’t)
beliefs about ourselves that organize and guide the processing of self-relevant information
Social Comparisons
evaluating one’s opinions and abilities by comparing oneself with others
The concept of giving priority to one’s own goals over group
goals and defining one’s identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group identifications.
Independent Self
Construing one’s identity as an
autonomous self.
Giving priority to the goals of
one’s group (often one’s
extended family or work group)
and defining one’s identity
Planning Fallacy
The tendency to underestimate
how long it will take to complete a task.
Affective Forecasting
people have greatest difficulty predicting the intensity and the duration of their future emotions
Impact Bias
Overestimating the enduring
impact of emotion-causing
Dual Attitude System
Differing implicit (automatic) and explicit (consciously controlled) attitudes toward the same object. Verbalized explicit attitudes may change with education and persuasion;
implicit attitudes change slowly, with practice that forms new habits.
A person’s overall self evaluation or sense of
Terror management theory
argues that humans must find ways to manage their overwhelming fear of death.
A sense that one is competent
and effective, distinguished
from self-esteem, which is
one’s sense of self-worth.
Self-serving bias
The tendency to perceive
oneself favorably