Chp. 6 Flashcards
BELIEFS and FEELINGS related to a
person or an event
Our attitudes predict our behavior when
1) other influences on what we say or do is minimal
2) when the attitude is specific to the behavior
3) when our attitudes are potent
Implicit Association Test
A computer-driven assessment of
implicit attitudes. The test uses
reaction times to measure
people’s automatic associations
between attitude objects and
evaluative words. Easier pairings
(and faster responses) are taken
to indicate stronger unconscious
A set of norms that defines how
people in a given social position
ought to behave.
A evil act erodes one’s moral sensitivity, making it easier to
perform a worse act.
ex: After telling a “white lie” and thinking, “Well,
that wasn’t so bad,” the person may go on to tell a bigger lie
Self Presentation Theory (Impression management)
assumes that for strategic reasons we express attitudes that
make us appear consistent.
Cognitive Dissonance Theory (Self Justification)
assumes that to reduce discomfort, we justify our actions to ourselves.
Self Perception Theory (Self Observation)
assumes that our actions are self-revealing: when uncertain
about our feelings or beliefs, we look to our behavior
Cognitive Dissonance (Leon Festinger)
Tension that arises when one is
simultaneously aware of two
inconsistent cognitions.
Selective Exposure
The tendency to seek
information and media that
agree with one’s views and to
avoid dissonant information.
Insufficient Justification
Reduction of dissonance by
internally justifying one’s
behavior when external
justification is “insufficient.”
Facial Feedback Effect
The tendency of facial
expressions to trigger
corresponding feelings such as
fear, anger, or happiness.
Over justification Effect
The result of bribing people to
do what they already like doing;
they may then see their actions
as externally controlled rather
than intrinsically appealing.
Self Affirmation Theory
A theory that (a) people often
experience a self-image threat
after engaging in an undesirable
behavior; and (b) they can
compensate by affirming
another aspect of the self.
Threaten people’s self-concept
in one domain, and they will
compensate either by
refocusing or by doing good
deeds in some other domain.
Change in behavior or belief in order to fit in