Chp 11 Flashcards
Community policing broadens the police mission, sending community police officers into the community as _____________ so that they can learn about community problems and provide a measure of service to a wide variety of constituent populations.
Outreach specialist
In the past, the police relied on the political process to help guide policy decisions; that is, people would contact the governmental officials, such as city council persons, who then would discuss problems with the police. Unfortunately, many groups such as: (4)
- Poor
- Elderly
- Minorities
- Youth
Were neglected as a result of the process because they have little or no clout or access to government
Children are ______ as likely as adults to be victims of seriously violent crime and _____ as likely to be assaulted
Of those children who end up homeless, _______ % report being the victim of sexual abuse at home.
Fisk 1996 found that child abuse often results in __________ later in life.
mental disorders
The cycle of violence implies that the police can prevent a substantial amount of crime, delinquency, and abuse by effectively dealing with_________
child abuse
The police must come to see themselves as the first line of defense and protecting the nations children. The police can deploy three general strategies to accomplish this objective (3)
- The police must become more active in attempting to identify abused and exploited children
- Police need to Cooperate with social agencies
- CPOs can link families to public and private agencies who can help
Juveniles commit approximately 1/4 of all property offenses, with __________ being the most common crime committed by juveniles
Criminologist have long study juvenile crime and developed a number of theories explaining it. However, the most useful theory is __________
life course theory
___________ states that much criminal behavior begins at an early age as a result of exposure to multiple interwoven social, economic, and educational problems
Life course theory
Howell 2004 has identified the risk factors that can result in criminality. They include:(5)
- Community
- Family
- School
- Peers
- Individual factors
Prevention is most effective when multiple _________ for a given juvenile are addressed.
Risk factors
Acting in a daring, courageous, and especially crazy fashion in the face of adversity is __________
The causes of violence have direct implications for community policing. First, and perhaps most importantly, it seems that violence ________.
begets violence
When developing juvenile crime prevention programs, CPO should first concentrate on those areas where the problem is concentrated. The first step when addressing these hotspots is to___________
attack neighborhood disorganization