Cholesterol Flashcards
Dietary Sterols
plant sterols > phytosterols (_____ most common)
_____ (shrimp, crabs)
eggs (yolk)
_____ (egg nog, pecan pie, etc.)
holiday foods
USDA view on Cholesterol
2015 Report
Cholesterol Limit _____ from 2015 Dietary Guidelines. The advisory panel has decided to eliminate warnings about dietary cholesterol, According to the report, “cholesterol is not a nutrient of concern for _____.”
Dietary Sterols: Normal Physiology REWATCH
In humans- Cholesterol cannot be broken down
into its _____ EVER
So we shuttle de novo synthesized and dietary cholesterol
Cholesterol is the precursor to _____, _____, _____- so we can’t live without it
component parts
Vitamin D3
Intestinal Absorption of Cholesterol
Cholesterol absorption by intestinal cells (enterocytes) is a key _____ in sterol metabolism.
The less we absorb the more we need to synthesize- not a _____
regulatory point
bad thing
Intestinal Absorption of Cholesterol
More dietary cholesterol we take in; the more cholesterol delivered to liver; absorb 20-80%, the vast majority goes into making _____
excreted; but 95% of bile returns to the _____(lose very little bulk cholesterol in biliary excretion)
regulate, based on the level of the _____ (the less we absorb, the more we have to synthesize > much easier to control the _____ than to control the _____ of cholesterol)
bile liver enterocytes synthesis absorption
_____ protein family necessary to regulate cholesterol absorption
• _____ Trans-membrane domains
• Couple ATP hydrolysis to the transport of
excess or unwanted _____ or _____ from enterocyte back into gut lumen.
• Mutations in genes encoding these proteins results in _____
• Sitosterolemia –leads to accumulation of cholesterol and phytosterols in enterocytes and bloodstream- formation of _____.
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) binding cassette (ABC) protein
plant sterols
artherosclerotic plaque
Intestinal Absorption of Cholesterol
Transport out of the enterocyte into gut lumen is mediated by members of the ATP binding cassette protein family, _____ and _____
55% of intestinal pool enters blood through enterocytes by _____ or via _____
Niemann-Pick C1-like 1 protein (NPC1L1)
Intestinal Absorption of Cholesterol
_____ takes chol from lumen of SI into the enterocyte
as cholesterol enters in intestine; NPC1L1 takes into enterocyte (repackages) and transports into the blood
these two transporters act in concert in order to maintain homeostasis
drug: _____; inhibits NPC1L1, inhibit chol uptake > lowering chol bc you’re not _____; decreasing dietary cholesterol > now forcing the liver to _____ the cholesterol (which is easier to regulate)
• Cholesterol- a _____ nucleus consisting of _____ fused rings.
• It is _____ due to the OH group on the #3 carbon and a hydrocarbon chain on C#17.
• Sterols are the precursors to biologically active compounds including, _____, hormones and _____.
high levels of free cholesterol (crystallize out, which attracts _____ > formation of plaque)
steroid four amphipathic bile acids vitamin D
Features and Stages of Cholesterol Synthesis
- Mostly in _____
- Synthesis Rxns occur in _____ and _____
- Primary intermediate is the _____ unit
- All 27 carbons are provided by _____ units
- _____-reducing equivalent
- _____-energy soucr
liver cytosol ER isoprene acetate NADPH ATP
Features and Stages of Cholesterol Synthesis
STAGE 1 - condensation of 3 acetate units to form _____.
STAGE 2 - polymerization of 6, 5-carbon isoprene units to form linear _____.
STAGE 3 - _____ of squalene to form sterol ring and ultimately cholesterol.
Features and Stages of Cholesterol Synthesis
entire structure derived from _____; from cytosolic acetyl CoA (may need breakdown of glucose/protein to have chol synthesis > more likely to be synthesized during a _____ stage (regulated by insulin + glucagon)
Stage 1 of Cholesterol Synthesis
reverse reaction for FA > reaction for _____ synthesis
ketone body synthesis is within the _____; chol biosynthesis is _____
source of acetyl-CoA > high _____, _____ inhibited > citrate leaves the mitochondria > gives you elevated _____ in the cytosol
ketone body synthesis mitochondria cytosol blood glucose pyruvate dehydrogenase acetyl CoA
Regulated Step of Biosynthesis-HMGCoA Reductase
_____- cholesterol lowering drugs
Competitive inhibitor of _____.
Lowers serum cholesterol by approx. _____.
Side-effects; liver
problems, muscle pain, etc.
HMGCoA Reductase = _____ (2 NADPH’S)
statin’s prevent the synthesis of _____; bind the active site and competitively inhibit
HMG CoA Reductase
regulating step
Stage 2 Cholesterol Synthesis
Stage 2
• Activated _____ polymerize to form _____
• The 30C squalene molecule is synthesized from 6 molecules of 5 C _____
• Addition of the _____ keeps the molecules water soluble and drives subsequent reactions
isoprene units
isopentyl pyrophosphates
phosphate groups
Cholesterol intermediates provide proteins with lipid anchors
activated isoprenes: head to tail _____ > lose their phosphate groups to get a _____ and _____; these both are anchors for lipid proteins (and chol intermediates
converted to squalene, loses two more phosphates; linear squalene is very _____
fernesyl pyrophosphate
geranyl pyrophosphate
Cholesterol intermediates necessary to synthesize Ubiquinone and Dolichols
Ubiquinone- needed to synthesize _____- component of e-transport chain in mitochondria
Dolichol involved in _____ of proteins as Dolichyl-phosphate
Inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis by _____ has critical side effects
coenzyme Q
Stage 3 Cholesterol Synthesis
squalene monooxygenase is _____ enzyme > makes the squalene cyclize
squalene is a precursor to chol (22 steps required)
3 _____ > mevalonate > phosphorylated with 3 diff _____ > activated isoprenes > _____ > squalene > _____ (22 steps downfield)
ER-associated Acetyl CoA ATP head-to-tail condensation cholesterol
Esterification increase cholesterol’s hydrophobicity
following synthesis cholesterol is _____ (more _____)
storage form: _____
esterification catalyzed by _____ (requires an _____, often _____)
esterified hydrophobic cholesterol esters ACAT (acyl cholesterol acyl transferase) activated fatty acyl chain (linoleic)
Malformation syndromes due to inborn errors of cholesterol metabolism
Three genes linked to altered cholesterol biosynthesis
Smith-Lemli- Optiz (SLO); deficiency in _____ activity
Conradi-Hunermann-Happle; deficiency in _____ activity
CHILD syndrome; deficiency in _____.
All 3 show craniofacial abnormalities; specifically _____
7-dehydro reductase
delta8, delta7 isomerase
NADPH sterol dehydrogenase
cleft palate
Regulation of Cholesterol Metabolism via HMG-CoA Reductase
Regulation Systemic \_\_\_\_\_ Feedback \_\_\_\_\_ Gene expression
Regulation of Cholesterol Metabolism via HMG-CoA Reductase
anabolic/cytosolic > activated in response to _____ insulin and _____ glucagon
inhibited by the reverse (high _____/_____ insulin
HMG-CoA reductase (both _____ tagged) step
high cholesterol > ACAT _____ and esterifies for storage (do not want free chol around)
high cholesterol > HMG-CoA Reduct is _____ (and becomes _____)
Regulation of Cholesterol Metabolism via HMG-CoA Reductase cont.
AMP-Protein Kinase acts as an _____; cholesterol synthesis _____ when ATP levels are low and the AMP-PK is active
this regulation occurs at the level of _____
energy sensor
Control of HMGCoA reductase expression
Rate of HMG CoA reductase mRNA synthesis is controlled by _____ (transcription factors).
- SREBPs enhance HMGCoAR transcription by binding to _____ upstream of the gene.
- SREBPS is bound to _____ in the ER when cholesterol levels are _____
- As cholesterol levels _____ the SREBP:SCAP complex is transported to _____.
- In golgi _____ proteolytic cleavages occur releasing the _____
- This N-terminal component binds to the _____ activating transcription.
- _____ cholesterol SCAP- SREBP cannot translocate to golgi
This process contains some of the most _____ metabolic processes
Sterol-regulatory element binding protein – (transcription factor). Activates expression of over _____ involved in synthesis and uptake of Cholesterol, TAGs, fatty acids and NADPH
SREBPs (transcription factors) SRE (sterol-regulatory element) SCAP high decrease golgi two N-terminal transcription factor domain SRE high
highly regulated
30 genes
Cholesterol is the precursor for bile acids
• Synthesized in _____, stored in _____ released into _____.
• Aids in digestion of fats through formation of biliary micelle in process of _____.
• Greater than 95 % of bile is reabsorbed and returns to _____.
liver gall bladder small intestine emulsification liver
Bile acid/salt formation and recycling
The conjugation of _____ or _____ to bile acids makes them bile salts- thus they become more _____
Bacteria deconjugate bile salts- and 95% of bile acids recirculate via _____
enterohepatic circulation
Bile acid/salt formation and recycling
one step to know: cholesterol is catalyzed by _____ > _____ (prcursor for 20 diff compounds) > this step is feedback inhibited by _____
conjugated to glycine/taurine they become _____ (become MORE amphiphilic)
as we take in a meal > release of bile acids (from _____) > formation biliary micelles; in intestine, bacteria _____ bile acids (remove glycine/taurine)
only 5% of bile is excreted in feces, 95% recirculates to the _____ (drugs that increase the amount of bile acids that are excreted also aid in _____ (can remove more than 5%))
7 alpha hydrolase
7 alpha hydroxycholesterol
bile acids
total body cholesterol
Steroid hormone synthesis
all steroid hormone synthesis within the _____ glands
enzyme that catalyzes formation of prenenonlone (precursor to cortisol, corticosterone, testosterone) = _____
cholesterol desmolase
Synthesis of Vitamin D
Benefits; increased absorption of _____ and _____, healthy bone.
Excess-_____, weak muscles.
Both _____ and _____ are available from diet
kidney stones
cholecalciferol (D3)
calciferol (D2)
Take home lessons
Dietary cholesterol absorption utilizes _____ and _____ transporters
Cholesterol synthesis is _____, _____, utilizes NADPH with _____ serving as donor of all Carbons.
Regulated step is _____
Intermediates of the biosynthetic pathway are necessary for other cellular functions
Cholesterol CANNOT be _____ into component
acetyl CoA
HMGCoA Reductase