Chola Dynasty Flashcards
846 - 71 СЕ
Aditya I
871 - 907 CE
Parantak I
907 - 955 CE
Parantak II
957 - 973 СЕ
Raja Raj I
985 - 1014 СЕ
Rajendra I
1014 - 1044 CE
Rajadhiraj I
1044 - 1054 CE
Rajendra II
1054 - 1064 CE
Vir Rajendra
1064 - 1069 CE
Kulottunga I
1070 - 1118 CE
Vikram Chola
1118 - 1135 CE
Pala Dynasty:
Bengal, Founder - Gopal, Capital - Munger, Gopal - Odantapuri University, Dharmapala - established Vikramashila University.
Sena Dynasty:
Bengal, Founder - Samanta Sena,Capital - Nadiya - Lakhnoti Lakshman Sena: Last hindu ruler of Bengal, defeated by Bakhtiyaar Khilji.
Kashmiri Dynasty
Karakota Dynasty, Uttapala Dynasty, Lahore Dynasty.
Harsha : Chief Ruler of Lahore Dynasty, guard of Kalhana.
Varman Dynasty of Kamarupa Kingdom:
Founder -Pushyavarman, Capital - Pragajyotishputa/Guwahati.
Contemporary of Bhaskarvarman Harsha.
Hindu Shahi:
Capital - Udyabhojpur, the first Gavajani attacks took place here, King Jaipaal and Anandpal were defeated.