CHN Chapter 1 Flashcards
group of collection locality-based individuals interacting in social units and sharing common interests, characteristics, values and/goals
they defined community as a collection of people who interact with one another and whose common interests or characteristics form the basis for a sense of belongingness
Allender et al.
they defined community as a group of people who share something in common and interact with one another, who may exhibit a commitment with one another and may share a geographic boundary
Lundy and Janes
He defined community as a group of people who share common interests, who interaction with each other and who function collectively within a defined social structure to address common concerns.
they defined community as locality-based entity, composed of systems of formal organization reflecting society’s institution, informal groups and aggregates
Shuster and Geoppinger
2 Main types of Community
- Geopolitical communities
- Phenomenological communities
Geopolitical communities also known as
Territorial communities
Phenomenological communities also known as
Functional communities
they defined health as “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely an absence of disease.”
World Health Organization (WHO)
Health is defined as “state of well-being in which the person is able to use purposeful , adaptive, responses and process physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and socially”.
goal-directed behavior, competent self-care and satisfying relationship with others
refers to optimum level of functioning
Modern Concept of Health
Ecosystem factors
- Socio-economic factors
- Hereditary factors
- Health care delivery system
- Activities and behavior
- Environmental factors
Determinants of Health
- Income and Social Status
- Education
- Physical environment
- Employment and Working conditions
- Social support networks
- Culture
- Genetics
- Personal behavior and coping skills
- Health services
- Gender
they provide morbidity, mortality, and other health-related status data
National Epidemiology Center of DOH, PSA, and local health center/offices/departments
The 3P’s of public health according to C.E Winslow
Preventing disease
Prolonging life, and
Promoting health
achievement of OLOF through health teaching is stated by
“every citizen to realize his birthright of health and longevity” is stated by
organnized community effort is known as
Public health
9 Essential Public Health Functions
- Health situation monitoring and analysis
- Epidemiological surveillance / disease prevention and control
- Development of policies and planning in public health
- Strategic management of health systems and services for population health gain
- Regulation and enforcement to protect public
- Human resources development and planning in public health
- Health promotion, social participation and empowerment
- Ensuring the quality of personal and population based health services
- Research, development, and implementation of innovative public health solution
it is defined as “assisting sick individuals to become healthy and healthy individuals achieve optimum wellness”.
the termed used before for Community Health Nursing (broader and included independent nursing practice)
Public Health Nursing (PHN)
Ultimate Goal of CHN
“To raise the level of health of the citizenry”
Mission of Public Health
is a social injustice that entitles all people to basic necessities, such as adequate income and health protection, and accepts collective burdens to make possible.
utilization of nursing process in the different level of clientele, individual, family, community and groups concerned with the
Promotion of health
Prevention of disease
and Disability and rehabilitation
According to them, community is the utilization of nursing process in the different level of clientele, individual, family, community and groups concerned with the
Maglaya et al.
application of nursing process in caring for individuals, families, and group where they live, work, go to school…
Community-Based Nursing
- it emphasize preservation and protection of health
- the primary client is the community
Community Health Nursing
- it emphasize on managing acute and chronic
- the primary client are individual and family
Community-based Nursing
it concentrates on specific group of people and focus on health promotion and disease prevention, regardless of geographical location.
Population-focused Nursing
Types of Data in CHN
a. Demographic (Vital statistics, census)
b. Groups at high risk (Health statistics, disease statistics)
c. Service / providers available (City directors, phone book, local/regional, social workers , list of low income providers, CH nurse)
3 Important elements of CHN
- it is population-based / focused
- It contains 3 level of clientele
- it identifies and defines 12 Public Health Intervention
3 levels of clientele
- Individual
- Family
- Community
12 Public Health Interventions
- Surveillance
- Disease and other health investigations
- Outreach
- Screening
- Case finding
- Referral and follow-up
- Case management
- Delegated functions
- Health teaching
- Counseling
- Consultation
- Collaboration
- Coalition building
Types of Family in the Community
- Nuclear Family
- Extended Family
- Single parent
- Binuclear / Reconstituted
- Step Family
- Compound Family
- Cohabitatinf Family
- Dyad
- Homosexual Family
- Communal Family
- No-Kin
consist of father, mother and children (either adopted or biological)
Nuclear Family
consist of father, mother, and children with other relatives
Extended Family
single with children
Single parent
extended family consisting of 2 or more seperated household from seperate or divorced parents with children
Binocular / Reconstituted Family
remarriage of a widowed person with children
Step Family
one man/woman with several spouses
Compound Family
lived-in unmarried couple
Cohabiting Family
husband and wife without children
Dyad Family
female-female or male-male, gay of lesbian with or without children
Homosexual Family
bahay ampunan, home for the aged, kumbento
Communal Family
have no legal or blood tie to each other
No-kim Family
Basic Principles of CHN
a. The community is the patient, the family is the unit of care, and there are four levels of clientele (individual, family, population group and community)
b. The client is considered as an Active partner NOT PASSIVE recipient of care.
c. CHN practice is affected by developments in health technology in particular, changes in society, in general
d. The goal of CHN is achieved through multi-sectoral efforts
Roles of the Public Health Nurse
- Clinician
- Health educator
- Facilitator
- Supervisor
- Leader, Role Model and Change agent
- Researcher
Objectives of Public Health using the acronym CODES
a. Control of communicable disease
b. Organization of Medical and Nursing Services
c. Development of Social Machineries
d. Education on IFC on personal hygiene
E. Sanitation of Environment
Public Health Workers
- Medical Officers (MO)
- Public Health Nurse (PHN) - Registered Nurse
- Rural Health Midwife (RHM) - Registered Midwives
- Dentist
- Nutritionist
- Medical Technologist
- Pharmacist
- Rural Sanitary Inspector - must be a sanitary engineer
Competency Standards in CHN
a. Safe and quality nursing care
b. Management of resources and environment
c. Health Education
d. Legal responsibility
e. Ethico-moral responsibility
f. Personal and professional development
g. Quality improvement
h. Research
i. Record management
j. Communication
k. Collaboration and teamwork