Childrens Values Of Care Flashcards
Fostering equality of opportunity definition
Each child should be offered equality of access to opportunities
Working in partnership with parents and families definition
Information should be openly shared with family members about children’s learning and development
Being a reflective practitioner definition
Early years practitioners need to think about their own practice and plan for development
Keeping children safe and maintaining a health environment definition
The environment should make children feel safe and encourage a healthy lifestyle and learning approach
Working in partnership with other professionals definition
Working with other practitioners when consented to
Encouraging children’s learning and development definition
Children should be offered a range of experiences supporting all aspects of PIES
Maintaining confidentiality of information
Private information about children and parents should only be shared on a need-to-know-basis
Making the welfare of the child paramount definition
Holden should be put first and listened to about their needs and views at all times
Valuing diversity definition
Differences between people be identified as positive and encouraged
Ensuring anti-discrimination definition
Negative attitudes and prejudices by children or adults should be challenged